This book is intended as an introductory survey of the philosophy of the social sciences. It is essentially a work of exposition that offers a tool box of mechanisms--nuts and bolts, cogs and wheels--that can be used to explain complex social phenomena. Within a brief compass, Jon Elster covers a vast range of topics. His point of departure is the conflict we all face between our desires and our opportunities. How can rational choice theory help us understand our motivation and behavior? More significantly, what happens when the theory breaks down but we still cleave to a belief in the power...
This book is intended as an introductory survey of the philosophy of the social sciences. It is essentially a work of exposition that offers a tool bo...
This publication proposes a normative theory of collective decision making, inspired by Jeremy Bentham but not including his utilitarian philosophy.
This publication proposes a normative theory of collective decision making, inspired by Jeremy Bentham but not including his utilitarian philosophy.
Otázka, kterou si klade Jon Elster v této pozoruhodné knize, zní, co drží společnosti pohromadě a zabraňuje jim, aby se rozpadly v chaosu a válce. Elster analyzuje dva pojmy sociálního řádu: stálé, předpověditelné vzorce chování a kooperativní chování. Kniha zkoumá rozmanité aspekty kolektivního jednání a vyjednávání z hledisek teorie racionální volby a teorie sociálních norem. Vychází ze základního předpokladu, že sociální normy jsou důležitou motivací iracionálního (neracionálního) jednání. Kniha představuje významný milník v...
Otázka, kterou si klade Jon Elster v této pozoruhodné knize, zní, co drží společnosti pohromadě a zabraňuje jim, aby se rozpadly v chaosu a v...
In the spirit of Jeremy Bentham's Political Tactics, this volume offers the first comprehensive discussion of the effects of secrecy and publicity on debates and votes in committees and assemblies. The contributors - sociologists, political scientists, historians, legal scholars - consider the micro-technology of voting (the devil is in the detail), the historical relations between the secret ballot and universal suffrage, the use and abolition of secret voting in parliamentary decisions, and the sometimes perverse effects of the drive for greater openness and transparency in public affairs....
In the spirit of Jeremy Bentham's Political Tactics, this volume offers the first comprehensive discussion of the effects of secrecy and publicity on ...
In this new edition of his critically acclaimed book, Jon Elster examines the nature of social behavior, proposing choice as the central concept of the social sciences. Extensively revised throughout, the book offers an overview of key explanatory mechanisms, drawing on many case studies and experiments to explore the nature of explanation in the social sciences; an analysis of the mental states - beliefs, desires, and emotions - that are precursors to action; a systematic comparison of rational-choice models of behavior with alternative accounts, and a review of mechanisms of social...
In this new edition of his critically acclaimed book, Jon Elster examines the nature of social behavior, proposing choice as the central concept of th...