The oldest discovered statue, fashioned some fifteen to twenty thousand years ago, is of a bear. This title considers how this once venerated creature was deposed by the advent of Christianity and continued to sink lower in the symbolic bestiary before rising again in Pyrrhic triumph as a popular toy.
The oldest discovered statue, fashioned some fifteen to twenty thousand years ago, is of a bear. This title considers how this once venerated creature...
What remains of the colours of our childhood? What are our memories of a blue rabbit, a red dress, a yellow bike? Were they really those colours? And later on, what colours do we associate with our student years, our first loves, our adult life? How does colour leave its mark on memory? How does it stimulate memory? How does it transform it? Or, to reverse that question, how does colour become the victim of memory's whims and lapses?
In an attempt to reply to these questions - and to many others - Michel Pastoureau presents us with a journal about colours that covers over half a century...
What remains of the colours of our childhood? What are our memories of a blue rabbit, a red dress, a yellow bike? Were they really those colours? And ...
Francouzský historik kulturních dějin Michel Pastoureau, který se dlouhodobě věnuje zkoumání symbolů (nejen barev ale i zvířat a také heraldikou, anylyzuje v této knize vývoj a proměny symboliky modré barvy v dějinách evropského Západu. Řekové ani Římané jí žádnou větší pozornost nevěnovali, dokonce ji pokládali za nepříjemnou na pohled. Naopak dnes se jedná o barvu, jejíž obliba v celé Evropě daleko předčí barvy ostatní (včetně zelené a červené). Autor se zamýšlí nad příčinami této proměny a zabývá se významem a symbolikou modré...
Francouzský historik kulturních dějin Michel Pastoureau, který se dlouhodobě věnuje zkoumání symbolů (nejen barev ale i zvířat a také her...