In the world of Asgard, living among Odin, Thor and Loki are the Valkyries of legend. Norse goddesses, reapers of souls from human battlefields - they have the power to cause death with just one touch. Fourteen-year-old Freya is a Valkyrie - but she has not followed in the footsteps of the legends before her. She has been to the World of Man to befriend humans - and not to reap their souls. Now she must return to the World of Man on a new quest to track down the runaway Valkyrie of legend. There she will discover a dark secret that leads her to the Land of the Frost Giants where she must take...
In the world of Asgard, living among Odin, Thor and Loki are the Valkyries of legend. Norse goddesses, reapers of souls from human battlefields - they...
Join Emily and Pegasus as the legend continues in a new epic adventure ...The ancient rivalry between the Olympians and the Titans, thought long over, is rekindled - but this time the Titans have a secret weapon that can rival the power of the Flame of Olympus. The balance of power is tipped in Saturn's favour now that he has found his own Flame of Titus. Jupiter's Olympus will finally be in his grasp! Caught in the middle of this ancient power struggle, Emily and Pegasus must head to the Diamond Head volcano in Hawaii to track down the one thing that can save Olympus ...before the Titans get...
Join Emily and Pegasus as the legend continues in a new epic adventure ...The ancient rivalry between the Olympians and the Titans, thought long over,...