In the early 1900s polite Chicago society was rocked by scandal as renowned architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, ran off with Mamah Cheney, a client's wife. For the rest of her life Mamah paid an extraordinary price for moving outside society's rules, in a time that was unforgiving of a woman's quest for fulfilment and personal happiness.
In the early 1900s polite Chicago society was rocked by scandal as renowned architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, ran off with Mamah Cheney, a client's wife....
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER At the age of thirty-five, Fanny van de Grift Osbourne has left her philandering husband in San Francisco to set sail for Belgium to study art, with her three children and nanny in tow. Not long after her arrival, however, tragedy strikes, and Fanny and her brood repair to a quiet artists' colony in France where she can recuperate. There she meets Robert Louis Stevenson, ten years her junior, who is instantly smitten with the earthy, independent, and opinionated belle Americaine. A woman ahead of her time, Fanny does not immediately take to the young lawyer who...
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER At the age of thirty-five, Fanny van de Grift Osbourne has left her philandering husband in San Francisco to set sail fo...