Serial Television focuses on contemporary television drama, offering detailed accounts of hugely popular, influential, and groundbreaking shows such as The Sopranos, Queer as Folk, Sex and the City, Twin Peaks, This Life, Prime Suspect, Cold Lazarus, The Kingdom, Holocaust, Heimat, and Roots.
Serial Television focuses on contemporary television drama, offering detailed accounts of hugely popular, influential, and groundbreaking shows...
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject of television studies. This book offers an insight into how television is produced, broadcast, controlled, consumed and critically examined. It is useful to those studying television and the media. Fully illustrated - it includes selected reading guides and bibliographies.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject of television studies. This book offers an insight into how television is produced, broad...
The Singing Detective has been described by novelist Steven King as 'the Citizen Kane of the mini-series'. This study dissects the serial's array of themes and techniques, and explains the religious structure of the serial, its exploration into the power of language, its complex psychological construction of illness and sexuality, and more.
The Singing Detective has been described by novelist Steven King as 'the Citizen Kane of the mini-series'. This study dissects the serial's array of t...
This new study provides an introduction to TV aesthetics and viewership from the 1940s to the present day, at a time when television as a medium is 'converging' with the pc and laptop.
This new study provides an introduction to TV aesthetics and viewership from the 1940s to the present day, at a time when television as a medium is...