Shortlisted for the prestigious Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction. 1900. Young pianist Catherine Wainwright flees the fashionable town of Dayton, Ohio in the wake of a terrible scandal. Heartbroken and facing destitution, she finds herself striking up correspondence with a childhood admirer, the recently widowed Oscar Williams. In desperation she agrees to marry him. But when Catherine travels to Oscar's farm on Galveston island, Texas - a thousand miles from home - she finds she is little prepared for the life that awaits her. The island is remote, the weather sweltering, and...
Shortlisted for the prestigious Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction. 1900. Young pianist Catherine Wainwright flees the fashionable town of Day...
From the critically acclaimed author of The Personal History of Rachel DuPree comes The Glovemaker - a stunning historical novel for fans of Cold Mountain. For almost four years, men came to my cabin carrying trouble on their backs, each one haunted and looking over his shoulder . . . They showed up during the spring, they appeared in the summer and early fall. But never now, never in January . . . Winter, 1888. In the inhospitable lands of Utah Territory, glovemaker Deborah Tyler awaits her husband's return home after months working across the state. But as his due date comes and...
From the critically acclaimed author of The Personal History of Rachel DuPree comes The Glovemaker - a stunning historical novel for fans of Cold Moun...