In Forgiveness is Healing, Russ Parker offers a challenging and deeply encouraging examination of the whole area of forgiveness and healing. While always aware of the costly nature of true forgiveness, he demonstrates that our lives will be greatly diminished if we do not reach out to offer and receive the love and healing displayed so abundantly in the person of Jesus Christ.
In Forgiveness is Healing, Russ Parker offers a challenging and deeply encouraging examination of the whole area of forgiveness and healing. While alw...
Russ Parker explores the power of wounded group stories and reveals how they affect the people and places where they first occurred. He shows how history repeats itself until we find ways to listen to it, locate where it is happening, and find healing for its consequences.
Russ Parker explores the power of wounded group stories and reveals how they affect the people and places where they first occurred. He shows how hist...
The author's extensive experience as a Christian dream counsellor is reassuringly evident in the engaging and often moving text. Russ draws on a wide variety of his own and others' dreams to reveal how dreams can lead us closer to God, to a deeper awareness of his will in our day-to-day lives, and to greater self-understanding. Now an SPCK Classic.
The author's extensive experience as a Christian dream counsellor is reassuringly evident in the engaging and often moving text. Russ draws on a wide ...
Dreams have fascinated humanity for thousands of years. In today's sceptical culture, we tend to dismiss dreams as having little or no importance, yet almost everybody has at least one dream they remember. In the Bible, dreams and visions were seen as powerful ways in which God communicated with his people.
Dreams have fascinated humanity for thousands of years. In today's sceptical culture, we tend to dismiss dreams as having little or no importance, yet...
'The Bible teaches us', Russ Parker writes, 'that blessing is a unique ministry resource gifted to believers to effect the purposes of God in peoples' lives.' In this enthralling book, the author tells of situations of family estrangement, depression and chronic illness; of times of hopelessness and helplessness where miraculous transformation has been wrought through calling on God to bless someone with the richest blessing they are able to receive. As he has travelled the country teaching on the ministry of blessing, Russ has seen an enthusiastic response and uptake, especially amongst...
'The Bible teaches us', Russ Parker writes, 'that blessing is a unique ministry resource gifted to believers to effect the purposes of God in peoples'...