Tú, tú! Na silnici je velmi rušno. Co tu provádí automechanik? A tady spěchají hasiči a sanitka lidem na pomoc! Taky na moři je spousta lodí. Vidíš mezi nimi rozdíl? Podívej se pozorně na obrázky v tomto leporelu. Poznáš, jak se pohybují auta, lodě, vlaky, letadla? Kniha z řady První objevy s obrázky má v každé scéně pohyblivé prvky, díky nimž se děti seznámí s úžasným světem dopravních prostředků a zároveň si procvičí jemnou motoriku
Tú, tú! Na silnici je velmi rušno. Co tu provádí automechanik? A tady spěchají hasiči a sanitka lidem na pomoc! Taky na moři je spousta lodí...
Celebrate lots of different kinds of loving families as they follow their bedtime routines, in this sturdy board book. Whether you are cared for by one parent or two, stepparents, a carer, two mums or two dads, grandparents or siblings, every family is special. Join toddlers from diverse families as they get ready for bed, saying "Goodnight" to the adults who look after them. From splashing in the bath to snuggling up for a bedtime story, this cosy board book follows toddlers from lots of different kinds of families as they go about their bedtime routines.
Celebrate lots of different kinds of loving families as they follow their bedtime routines, in this sturdy board book. Whether you are cared for by...
Celebrate lots of different kinds of loving families as they follow their daily routines, in this study board book. Whether you are cared for by one parent or two, stepparents, a carer, two mums or two dads, grandparents or siblings, every family is special. Join toddlers from diverse families as they go about their everyday activities and say "I love you" to the adults who care for them. From having breakfast to taking the dog to the park, this joyful board book follows toddlers from lots of different kinds of families as they go about their daily routines.
Celebrate lots of different kinds of loving families as they follow their daily routines, in this study board book. Whether you are cared for by on...