Alison Bechdel chronicled the lives of a small universe of cartoon characters in her strip 'Dykes to Watch Out For', which is syndicated in 50 alternative newspapers in the USA and has been published in 11 volumes. This book gathers the best of those volumes, together with 60 of the newest strips.
Alison Bechdel chronicled the lives of a small universe of cartoon characters in her strip 'Dykes to Watch Out For', which is syndicated in 50 alterna...
A voracious reader, a lover of music, an amateur actress, Alison Bechdel's mother is also a woman, unhappily married to a closeted gay man, whose artistic aspirations simmered under the surface of Alison Bechdel's childhood ...and who stopped touching or kissing her daughter goodnight, forever, when she was seven. This title presents her portrait.
A voracious reader, a lover of music, an amateur actress, Alison Bechdel's mother is also a woman, unhappily married to a closeted gay man, whose arti...