The theoretical arguments for environmental taxes and other types of economic instruments for environmental protection have been discussed extensively in the literature. Rather less well discussed has been the extremely complex form that such instruments have in fact taken in practice. Environmental Taxation Law: Policy, Contexts and Practice examines the legal implications of introducing environmental taxes and other economic instruments into the regulatory framework of UK law. In doing so, it analyzes and explains the difficulties of grafting environmental taxes onto the complexities of...
The theoretical arguments for environmental taxes and other types of economic instruments for environmental protection have been discussed extensively...
How to Moot is essential reading for student mooters at all levels. Written by lecturers with many years' experience of supporting students and judging at internal and national mooting competitions, you can be sure that this book contains everything you need to know about preparing for and participating in moots, plus numerous tips to help you stand out from the crowd. The book is written in a uniquely user-friendly style: it is divided into 100 Q&As and structured in short, accessible chapters, so you can find what you need quickly and easily. Chapter summaries allow you to...
How to Moot is essential reading for student mooters at all levels. Written by lecturers with many years' experience of supporting students a...
Excellent technical writing on corporation tax abounds, but it tends to be inaccessible to the public lawyer, the political theorist, or the political economist. Although recent years have seen not only an explosion in public law scholarship, but also a reawakening of interest in interpretative political theory and political economy, the potential of these perspectives to illuminate the corporation tax debate has remained unexplored. This important work reconciles these disparate strands of scholarship and contributes to a new way of understanding and conceptualizing the reform of the law...
Excellent technical writing on corporation tax abounds, but it tends to be inaccessible to the public lawyer, the political theorist, or the political...