In 1910, the surgeons Moreau and LePrince wrote about their successful operation on an eight-year-old boy who had been blind since birth because of cataracts. When the boy's eyes were healed they removed the bandages and, waving a hand in front of the child's physically perfect eyes, asked him what he saw. "I don't know," was his only reply. What he saw was only a varying brightness in front of him. However, when allowed to touch the hand as it began to move, he cried out in a voice of triumph, "It's moving " He could feel it move, but he still needed laboriously to learn to see it move....
In 1910, the surgeons Moreau and LePrince wrote about their successful operation on an eight-year-old boy who had been blind since birth because of ca...
What happens when the Dalai Lama meets with leading physicists and a historian? This book is the carefully edited record of the fascinating discussions at a Mind and Life conference in which five leading physicists and a historian (David Finkelstein, George Greenstein, Piet Hut, Arthur Zajonc, Anton Zeilinger, and Tu Weiming) discussed with the Dalai Lama current thought in theoretical quantum physics, in the context of Buddhist philosophy. A contribution to the science-religion interface, and a useful explanation of our basic understanding of quantum reality, couched at a level that...
What happens when the Dalai Lama meets with leading physicists and a historian? This book is the carefully edited record of the fascinating discussion...
Co znamenalo světlo pro naše předky a co znamená pro nás? Vychází světlo z očí slunečního boha Re, anebo je to jen elektromagnetické vlnění? Proč ještě dnes cítíme bázeň před jevy, jako je duha nebo prostý plamen svíčky? Byli staří Řekové barvoslepí, když mluvili o bronzovém nebi a o moři vínové barvy? A proč se operace, které mají pacientům vrátit zrak, tak často nezdaří?
Na tyto otázky hledá odpověď Arthur Zajonc, fyzik a současně znalec západních i východních duchovních tradic. Abychom porozuměli fenoménu světla, musíme...
Co znamenalo světlo pro naše předky a co znamená pro nás? Vychází světlo z očí slunečního boha Re, anebo je to jen elektromagnetické vln...