By contributing a few hundred dollars to a charity like UNICEF, a prosperous person can ensure that fewer poor children die, and that more will live reasonably long, worthwhile lives. Even when knowing this, however, most people send nothing, and almost all of the rest send little. What is the moral status of this behavior? To such common cases of letting die, our untutored response is that, while it is not very good, neither is the conduct wrong. What is the source of this lenient assessment? In this contentious new book, one of our leading philosophers argues that our intuitions about...
By contributing a few hundred dollars to a charity like UNICEF, a prosperous person can ensure that fewer poor children die, and that more will live r...
Mold design is one of the most challenging tasks in injection molding and it is crucial for successful profitable operations. The book compiles the experience of many seasoned designers and presents tried and tested molds that run successfully in production. For this fourth edition, changes and supplements were once again undertaken with the aim of representing the state of the art. The book is written by practitioners for practitioners, describing problem solving in the design and the manufacture of injection molds.
Mold design is one of the most challenging tasks in injection molding and it is crucial for successful profitable operations. The book compiles the ex...