In Human Well-Being and the Natural Environment, Partha Dasgupta explores ways to measure the quality of life. In developing quality of life indices, he pays particular attention to the natuaral environment, illustrating how it can be incorporated, more generally, into economic reasoning in a seamless manner. Such familiar terms as "sustainable development," "social discount rates," and Earth's "carrying capacity" are given a firm theoretical underpinning. The author shows that, whether we are interested in valuing the state of affairs in a country or in evaluating economic policy there. The...
In Human Well-Being and the Natural Environment, Partha Dasgupta explores ways to measure the quality of life. In developing quality of life indices, ...
This book is Volume 3 of the Proceedings of the World Economic Congress held in Athens in 1989 under the auspices of the International Economic Association. It considers various aspects of economic policy and development faced by countries with different social, cultural and political systems.
This book is Volume 3 of the Proceedings of the World Economic Congress held in Athens in 1989 under the auspices of the International Economic Associ...