Richard Dawkins has created a dazzling celebration of our planet with explanations of space, time, evolution and more, taking us on a journey through scientific reality.
Richard Dawkins has created a dazzling celebration of our planet with explanations of space, time, evolution and more, taking us on a journey through ...
Biologická evoluce není pouhou teorií, ale skutečností. Probíhá po miliardy let a vedla ke vzniku tolika podivuhodných životních forem, že si zaslouží označení za největší show na Zemi; a toto velkolepé představení přitom nepotřebovalo žádného režiséra. Současně se ale evoluce odehrává i přímo před našima očima, můžeme ji zaznamenat na sloních klech i ve vrtění psího ocasu. Kniha známého britského biologa a popularizátora vědy nám ukáže fungování evoluce z mnoha pohledů, od paleontologického záznamu přes molekulární genetiku a vývoj...
Biologická evoluce není pouhou teorií, ale skutečností. Probíhá po miliardy let a vedla ke vzniku tolika podivuhodných životních forem, že ...
***30th Anniversary Edition*** Cover note: Each copy of the anniversary edition of The Blind Watchmaker features a unique biomorph. No two covers are exactly alike. Acclaimed as the most influential work on evolution written in the last hundred years, The Blind Watchmaker offers an inspiring and accessible introduction to one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time. A brilliant and controversial book which demonstrates that evolution by natural selection - the unconscious, automatic, blind yet essentially non-random process discovered by Darwin - is the only answer to the...
***30th Anniversary Edition*** Cover note: Each copy of the anniversary edition of The Blind Watchmaker features a unique biomorph. No two covers are ...
Builds an argument for evolutionary adaptation as the force behind all life on earth. Regarding evolution's complex achievements as peaks on a metaphorical mountain, this book reveals the ways in which the theory of natural selection can precisely explain the beautiful, bizarre and seemingly 'designed' complexity of living things.
Builds an argument for evolutionary adaptation as the force behind all life on earth. Regarding evolution's complex achievements as peaks on a metapho...
Keats accused Newton of destroying the poetry of the rainbow by explaining the origin of its colours, thus dispelling its mystery. In this book, the author argues that Keats could not have been more mistaken and shows how an understanding of science in fact inspires the human imagination and enhances our wonder of the world.
Keats accused Newton of destroying the poetry of the rainbow by explaining the origin of its colours, thus dispelling its mystery. In this book, the a...
In 'The Greatest Show on Earth' Richard Dawkins takes on creationists, including followers of Intelligent Design and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection.
In 'The Greatest Show on Earth' Richard Dawkins takes on creationists, including followers of Intelligent Design and all those who question the fact o...
Richard Dawkins and Dave McKean have created a dazzling celebration of our planet with explanations of space, time, evolution and more, taking us on a journey through scientific reality.
Richard Dawkins and Dave McKean have created a dazzling celebration of our planet with explanations of space, time, evolution and more, taking us on a...
While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically and dangerously dividing opinion around the world. In this book, the author attacks God in all his forms. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry and abuses children.
While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically...
Born to parents who were enthusiastic naturalists, and linked through his wider family to a clutch of accomplished scientists, Richard Dawkins was bound to have biology in his genes. But what were the influences that shaped his life? And who inspired him to become the pioneering scientist and public thinker now famous (and infamous to some) around the world? In An Appetite for Wonder we join him on a personal journey from an enchanting childhood in colonial Africa, through the eccentricities of boarding school in England, to his studies at the University of Oxford's dynamic Zoology...
Born to parents who were enthusiastic naturalists, and linked through his wider family to a clutch of accomplished scientists, Richard Dawkins was bou...