Sheridan Le Fanu's most celebrated novel In Uncle Silas, Maud Ruthyn, the young, naive heroine, is plagued by Madame de la Rougierre from the moment the enigmatic older woman is hired as her governess. A liar, bully, and spy, when Madame leaves the house, she takes her dark secret with her. But when Maud is orphaned, she is sent to live with her Uncle Silas, her father's mysterious brother and a man with a scandalous-even murderous-past. And, once again, she encounters Madame, whose sinister role in Maud's destiny becomes all too clear. With its subversion of...
Sheridan Le Fanu's most celebrated novel In Uncle Silas, Maud Ruthyn, the young, naive heroine, is plagued by Madame de la R...