Despite her impoverished background, Rebecca is an imaginative and charming child, often composing little poems and songs to express her feelings or to amuse her younger brothers and sisters. Rebeccas joy for life inspires her aunts, but she faces many trials in her young life, gaining wisdom and understanding
Despite her impoverished background, Rebecca is an imaginative and charming child, often composing little poems and songs to express her feelings or t...
Carol Bird, a Christmas-born child, who as a young girl is unusually loving and generous, having a positive effect on everyone with whom she comes into contact. The book is a wistful moral tale about a saintly child, but is enlivened by many humorous scenes.
Carol Bird, a Christmas-born child, who as a young girl is unusually loving and generous, having a positive effect on everyone with whom she comes int...
Kate Douglas Wiggin Henry Van Dyke Abbie Farwell Brown
Included in this book are three short, but heartfelt Christmas tales. They show the true meaning of love, friendship and the Christmas spirit. Share these delightful tales with all of the family to pass along the cheerful Christmas spirit The Birds' Christmas Carol The First Christmas tree The Christmas Angel
Included in this book are three short, but heartfelt Christmas tales. They show the true meaning of love, friendship and the Christmas spirit. Share t...