Published in August of 2008, WAIS-IV is the most widely used intelligence test for adults in the world. Substantive changes were made to the WAIS-IV from the WAIS-III leaving clinicians with questions as to how to use and interpret the measure effectively. Written by the creators of the new test, this book serves as the ultimate insider's guide to the new test, providing users with the kind of access to norms and data that would be unavailable to any subsequent book on clinical use of this measure.
The book discusses the changes made between 3rd and 4th editions along with an FAQ...
Published in August of 2008, WAIS-IV is the most widely used intelligence test for adults in the world. Substantive changes were made to the WAIS-I...
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale is the most widely used intelligence test for children worldwide. WISC-V introduces new subtests, composite scores, process scores, error scores, and scaled scores as a more complex and accurate means of assessing cognitive abilities. WISC-V Assessment and Interpretation provides practical information for clinicians on selection of subtest measures, administration, and interpretation.
New subtests are described along with tips for accurate administration and scoring. Full Scale IQ is identified as important for predicting relevant behaviors,...
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale is the most widely used intelligence test for children worldwide. WISC-V introduces new subtests, composite scores,...