There is an ancient saying that when lovers fall out, a plane goes down. 'A Case of Exploding Mangoes' is the story of one such plane. Why did a Hercules C130, the worlds sturdiest plane, carrying Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia ul-Haq, go down on 17 August, 1988?
There is an ancient saying that when lovers fall out, a plane goes down. 'A Case of Exploding Mangoes' is the story of one such plane. Why did a Hercu...
When Alice Bhatti returns to her childhood home in the French Colony, she starts work at the Sacred Heart Hospital for All Ailments, healing the sick. She falls in love with Teddy Butt, apprentice to the nefarious Gentlemen's Squad of the Karachi police. Their love is unexpected, but the consequences are not.
When Alice Bhatti returns to her childhood home in the French Colony, she starts work at the Sacred Heart Hospital for All Ailments, healing the sick....