Frederick, fifth Earl of Ickenham descends like a genial genie of the lamp on Blandings, restoring to his host the wonder pig that evil men had sought to steal the Empress of Blandings."
Frederick, fifth Earl of Ickenham descends like a genial genie of the lamp on Blandings, restoring to his host the wonder pig that evil men had sought...
When crisis, wearing a variety of habits, saunters into Castle Blandings, Galahad Threepwood, the last of the Pelicans that unparalleled cadre of the young at heart and fleet of foot of yesteryear is at the ready."
When crisis, wearing a variety of habits, saunters into Castle Blandings, Galahad Threepwood, the last of the Pelicans that unparalleled cadre of the ...
At the Angler's Rest, a bucolic English pub, drinking hot scotch and lemon, sits one of Wodehouse's greatest raconteurs. Mr. Mulliner tells fabulous stories of the extraordinary behaviour of his far-flung family.
At the Angler's Rest, a bucolic English pub, drinking hot scotch and lemon, sits one of Wodehouse's greatest raconteurs. Mr. Mulliner tells fabulous s...
Each evening at the Angler s Nest, sipping scotch and lemon, Mr. Mulliner s tells his stories. His narratives showcase Wodehouse s genius for fetching whimsy and eccentric shenanigans."
Each evening at the Angler s Nest, sipping scotch and lemon, Mr. Mulliner s tells his stories. His narratives showcase Wodehouse s genius for fetching...
At the Angler's Nest, Mr. Mulliner tells his amazing tales. Here you can discover what happened to The Man Who Gave up Smoking, and experience the dreadful Unpleasantness at Bludleigh Court.
At the Angler's Nest, Mr. Mulliner tells his amazing tales. Here you can discover what happened to The Man Who Gave up Smoking, and experience the dre...
Frederick, fifth Earl of Ickenham sometimes feels that his life-work of spreading sweetness and light -- or, as some put it, meddling in other people's business -- is almost too much for one man single handedly.
Frederick, fifth Earl of Ickenham sometimes feels that his life-work of spreading sweetness and light -- or, as some put it, meddling in other people'...
To the majority of the passengers aboard the RMS Atlantic the voyage to America was just a pleasant interlude in life s hectic rush. But not so to Monty Bodkin. Monty s wooing of Gertrude Butterwick was not progressing as it should, and the cause of all the trouble was Miss Lotus Blossom, the brightest star in Hollywood s firmament. But Lotus and Monty were not the only ones on board to wear the furrowed brow "
To the majority of the passengers aboard the RMS Atlantic the voyage to America was just a pleasant interlude in life s hectic rush. But not so to Mon...
This omnibus edition will delight newcomers to Wodehouse as well as those already familiar with his sunny universe and his sparkling prose. It contains Right Ho, Jeeves, The Inimitable Jeeves and Very Good, Jeeves.
This omnibus edition will delight newcomers to Wodehouse as well as those already familiar with his sunny universe and his sparkling prose. It contain...
Impostors abound in the latter-day Eden that is Blandings Castle in this three novels which includes Something Fresh, the first Blandings novel, Summer Lightning and Heavy Weather.
Impostors abound in the latter-day Eden that is Blandings Castle in this three novels which includes Something Fresh, the first Blandings novel, Summe...
Barmy's friend and cinema heart-throb Mervyn Potter convinces Barmy to invest in the stage production of 'Sacrifice'. When all looks hopeless and the play is going badly Miss Dinty Moore conquers Barmy's heart, and finance and love cohabit
Barmy's friend and cinema heart-throb Mervyn Potter convinces Barmy to invest in the stage production of 'Sacrifice'. When all looks hopeless and the ...