Hailed by many as the major experimental novel of the post-war period, Gravity's Rainbow is a bizarre comic masterpiece in which linguistic virtuosity creates a whole other world.
Hailed by many as the major experimental novel of the post-war period, Gravity's Rainbow is a bizarre comic masterpiece in which linguistic virtuosity...
Oedipa Maas discovers that she has been made executrix of a former lover's estate. The performance of her duties sets her on a strange trail of detection, in which bizarre characters crowd in to help or confuse her. But gradually, death, drugs, madness and marriage combine to leave Oepida in isolation.
Oedipa Maas discovers that she has been made executrix of a former lover's estate. The performance of her duties sets her on a strange trail of detect...
It's a while since Doc Sportello has seen his ex-girlfriend. Suddenly out of nowhere she shows up with a story about a plot to kidnap a billionaire land developer whom she just happens to be in love with. Doc soon finds himself drawn into a bizarre tangle of motives and passions.
It's a while since Doc Sportello has seen his ex-girlfriend. Suddenly out of nowhere she shows up with a story about a plot to kidnap a billionaire la...
Charles Mason (1728-1786) and Jeremiah Dixon (1733-1779) were the British surveyors best remembered for running the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland known as the Mason-Dixon Line. This book provides a fictional account of their story.
Charles Mason (1728-1786) and Jeremiah Dixon (1733-1779) were the British surveyors best remembered for running the boundary between Pennsylvania and ...
It is 2001 in New York City, in the lull between the collapse of the dotcom boom and the terrible events of September 11th. Silicon Alley is a ghost town, Web 1.0 is having adolescent angst, Google has yet to IPO, Microsoft is still considered the Evil Empire. There may not be quite as much money around as there was at the height of the tech bubble, but there's no shortage of swindlers looking to grab a piece of what's left.
It is 2001 in New York City, in the lull between the collapse of the dotcom boom and the terrible events of September 11th. Silicon Alley is a ghost t...
Výkřik techniky (Bleeding Edge) – Thomas Pynchon Je jaro roku 2001, v New Yorku rozkvétají hrušně a Maxine Tarnowová, forenzní auditorka, vede své dva syny do školy. Když dorazí do kanceláře, čeká tam na ni kamarád Reg se záhadným případem – je něco shnilého v internetové firmě hashslingrz. Jakmile začne Maxine rozkrývat její podezřelé finanční toky, objevují se na scéně softwaroví kouzelníci ze Silicon Valley, bohaté korporace z Perského zálivu, neevidovaný supertajný agent CIA, ruská mafie i Mossad. Kdo z nich bude mít nakonec na svědomí...
Výkřik techniky (Bleeding Edge) – Thomas Pynchon Je jaro roku 2001, v New Yorku rozkvétají hrušně a Maxine Tarnowová, forenzní auditorka, ve...