Tells the story of modern Australia begins in eighteenth-century Britain, where people were hanged for petty offences but crime was rife, and the gaols were bursting.
Tells the story of modern Australia begins in eighteenth-century Britain, where people were hanged for petty offences but crime was rife, and the gaol...
By the author of Schindler's Ark, a profoundly affecting tale of love, courage and sacrifice and a searing evocation of the First World War from a fresh, female perspective.
By the author of Schindler's Ark, a profoundly affecting tale of love, courage and sacrifice and a searing evocation of the First World War from a fre...
A new non-fiction book recounting the 19th century history of Ireland. The book traces the three causes of the halving of the Irish population in that century: the famine, the Irish emigrations to American and Canada, and the transportation of political activitists to Australia. It is a quest for the author's Irish ancestors.
A new non-fiction book recounting the 19th century history of Ireland. The book traces the three causes of the halving of the Irish population in that...
Through the lens of three of the most devastating food crises in modern history--the Gorta Mor of British-ruled Ireland, the great famine of British-ruled Bengal in 1943, and the string of famines that plagued Ethiopia during the 1970s and 1980s, Booker Prize-winning author Thomas Keneally vividly evokes the terrible cost of mass starvation at the level of the individual who starves and the nation that watches. Famine is widely misunderstood as a completely natural catastrophe. Keneally recounts that while the triggers--crop, pestilence, and drought--are natural, the political and ideological...
Through the lens of three of the most devastating food crises in modern history--the Gorta Mor of British-ruled Ireland, the great famine of British-r...
Strhující a proslulé románové zpracování osudů Oskara Schindlera – bezohledného kariéristy, válečného zbohatlíka, milovníka elegance, přepychu, alkoholu a krásných žen, jenž ve stínu osvětimských komínů našel svoji lidskost a riskoval nejen majetek, ale i vlastní život, aby nedopustil vyvraždění tisícovky „svých židů“.
Strhující a proslulé románové zpracování osudů Oskara Schindlera – bezohledného kariéristy, válečného zbohatlíka, milovníka elegance...