Výbor 23 z knih Krev (Blood) a Kde ji najdeš (Where You Find It). Ve svých povídkách, zasazených do skotského prostředí, autorka zkoumá vztahy mezi mužem a ženou: zoufalou snahu milovat navzdory všemu, touhu po porozumění, okamžiky, kdy pouhé slovo či dotek má moc hojit i zraňovat, kdy se znenadání odhalí emocionální zbabělost i odvaha, vztahy závislosti, mocenské hry, násilí, které páchají muži na ženách, i způsob, jakým si ženy udržují muže v područí. Pro některé její prózy je charakteristické experimentální dělení textu, které umocňuje...
Výbor 23 z knih Krev (Blood) a Kde ji najdeš (Where You Find It). Ve svých povídkách, zasazených do skotského prostředí, autorka zkoumá vzta...
This is the tale of Rona and Cassie, two women on a driving holiday in northern France. It is an unsentimental, caustic and funny account of mortality, dysfunctional relationships and women abroad.
This is the tale of Rona and Cassie, two women on a driving holiday in northern France. It is an unsentimental, caustic and funny account of mortality...
Comprising stories from her debut collection, 'Blood', and the critically acclaimed 'Where You Find It', this collection presents some of the best known and most loved works by one of Scotland's most gifted and original writers.
Comprising stories from her debut collection, 'Blood', and the critically acclaimed 'Where You Find It', this collection presents some of the best kno...
In the second volume of her memoirs, the prize-winning author Janice Galloway reveals how the child introduced in 'This Is Not About Me' evolved during her teenage years.
In the second volume of her memoirs, the prize-winning author Janice Galloway reveals how the child introduced in 'This Is Not About Me' evolved durin...
From the corner of a darkened room Joy Stone watches herself. As memories of the deaths of her lover and mother surface unbidden, life for Joy narrows - to negotiating each day, each encounter, each second; to finding the trick to keep living. Told with shattering clarity and wry wit, this is a Scottish classic fit for our time.
From the corner of a darkened room Joy Stone watches herself. As memories of the deaths of her lover and mother surface unbidden, life for Joy narrows...