Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson wants to wind down to Christmas with a week of sex and drugs in Amsterdam. The last thing he needs is a messy murder to solve. With the festive season almost upon him, Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson is winding down at work and gearing up socially -- kicking off Christmas with a week of sex and drugs in Amsterdam. There are irritating flies in the ointment, though, including a missing wife, a nagging cocaine habit, a dramatic deterioration in his genital health, a string of increasingly demanding extra-marital affairs. The last thing he needs is a...
Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson wants to wind down to Christmas with a week of sex and drugs in Amsterdam. The last thing he needs is a messy murde...
This novel looks at life in the dark underside of Edinburgh, the AIDS capital of Europe, through the jaded eyes and harsh vernacular of heroin addict Mark Renton, who is sick of his friends, sick with the city and its deserted docklands, and above all sick with himself.
This novel looks at life in the dark underside of Edinburgh, the AIDS capital of Europe, through the jaded eyes and harsh vernacular of heroin addict ...
The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins taps into two great obsessions of our time, personal training regimes and real estate -- how we look and where we live -- and tells a story so subversive and dark it blacks out the Florida sun. When Lucy Brennan, a Miami Beach personal-fitness trainer, disarms a gunman chasing two frightened homeless men, the police and the breaking-news cameras are not far behind and, within hours, Lucy is a media hero. The solitary eye-witness is the depressed and overweight Lena Sorensen, who becomes obsessed with Lucy and signs up as her client though she...
The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins taps into two great obsessions of our time, personal training regimes and real estate -- how we look and w...
Titul románu Filth (špína, svinstvo, hnus), zvolil autor tak, aby se dal vykládat na mnoho způsobů: jde o slangové označení policie, protože hlavní hrdina je policista, jde o označení svinstva, které nosí v břiše (tasemnice) i v duši, je to vlastnost, která nejvíc charakterizuje hlavního hrdinu? Policista Bruce se ve vnitřním monologu, do kterého vstupuje i cizopasník, kterého v sobě nosí, odhaluje jako bezskrupulózní mizera, což neznamená, že by žil v prostředí plném andělů. Welsh nezůstává nic dlužen své pověsti kronikáře lidské spodiny, jenž...
Titul románu Filth (špína, svinstvo, hnus), zvolil autor tak, aby se dal vykládat na mnoho způsobů: jde o slangové označení policie, protože...
How important is a decent ride? A rampaging force of nature is wreaking havoc on the streets of Edinburgh, but has top shagger, drug-dealer, gonzo-porn-star and taxi-driver, 'Juice' Terry Lawson, finally met his match in Hurricane 'Bawbag'? Can Terry discover the fate of the missing beauty, Jinty Magdalen, and keep her idiot savant lover, the man-child Wee Jonty, out of prison? Will he find out the real motives of unscrupulous American businessman and reality-TV star, Ronald Checker? And, crucially, will Terry be able to negotiate life after a terrible event robs him of his sexual...
How important is a decent ride? A rampaging force of nature is wreaking havoc on the streets of Edinburgh, but has top shagger, drug-dealer,...
Svůj román Welsh zasadil netypicky do USA, a hlavní postavy jsou tentokrát ženy. Jedna z nich je Lucy Brennanová, trenérka ve fi t centru, která odzbrojí možného vraha, a přivolá tak na sebe pozornost policie a zpravodajských relací. Druhá je deprimovaná, nadváhou sužovaná a manipulativní Lena Sorensenová, která se stane svědkem celé příhody a zapíše se do Lucyina kursu, i když jí jde spíš o její tělo než o své vlastní. Obě ženy se víc a víc sbližují, a to nemůže zůstat bez následků. Krom mimořádných ženských postav se čtenář v románu...
Svůj román Welsh zasadil netypicky do USA, a hlavní postavy jsou tentokrát ženy. Jedna z nich je Lucy Brennanová, trenérka ve fi t centru, kter...