Comedy of sexual manners that follows the interlocking affairs of four men: Robin Woodfield, Justin, Danny and Alex. As each falls under the spell of romance or drugs, country living or rough trade, a richly ironic picture emerges of the clashing imperatives of gay life, the hunger for contact, the fear of commitment, and the need for permanence.
Comedy of sexual manners that follows the interlocking affairs of four men: Robin Woodfield, Justin, Danny and Alex. As each falls under the spell of ...
Edward Manners thirty three and disaffected escapes to a Flemish city in search of a new life. Almost at once he falls in love with seventeen-year-old Luc, and is introduced to the twilight world of the 1890s Belgian painter Edgard Orst."
Edward Manners thirty three and disaffected escapes to a Flemish city in search of a new life. Almost at once he falls in love with seventeen-year-old...
"Deserves first prize in every category... superbly written, wildly funny." --Daily Telegraph Alan Hollinghurst's first novel is a tour de force a darkly erotic work that centres on the friendship of William Beckwith, a young gay aristocrat who leads a life of privilege and promiscuity, and the elderly Lord Nantwich, who is searching for someone to write his biography."
"Deserves first prize in every category... superbly written, wildly funny." --Daily Telegraph Alan Hollinghurst's first novel is a <...