Whilst low-fat diets have been sold as the route to health, obesity has become epidemic, diabetes rates have soared and heart disease has not declined. This book examines this paradox and debunks the popular misconceptions on health, taking a hard look at the corporate world of the diet industry.
Whilst low-fat diets have been sold as the route to health, obesity has become epidemic, diabetes rates have soared and heart disease has not declined...
What's making us fat? And how can we change? Building upon his critical work in Good Calories, Bad Calories and presenting fresh evidence for his claim, bestselling author Gary Taubes revisits these urgent questions. Taubes reveals the bad nutritional science of the last century--none more damaging or misguided than the -calories-in, calories-out- model of why we get fat--and the good science that has been ignored. He also answers the most persistent questions: Why are some people thin and others fat? What roles do exercise and genetics play in our weight? What foods should we...
What's making us fat? And how can we change? Building upon his critical work in Good Calories, Bad Calories and presenting fresh evidence fo...
Je „bílé zlato“ ve skutečnosti „bílým jedem“? Stali jsme se oběťmi nedozírné manipulace? Nezáleží na tom, zda se jedná o běžný řepný, třtinový či konzumní cukr, takzvanou sacharózu, či vysokofruktózový kukuřičný sirup. Konzumace této látky ve všech jejích podobách neustále stoupá, je obsažena téměř ve všem – v snídaňových cereáliích, osvěžujících nápojích, ve zmrzlině i chlebu, a dokonce i v cigaretách. Cílem této knihy je vysvětlit, proč je nutné cukry považovat za důvodně podezřelé a jak jsme se dostali do současné...
Je „bílé zlato“ ve skutečnosti „bílým jedem“? Stali jsme se oběťmi nedozírné manipulace? Nezáleží na tom, zda se jedná o běžný...