Offers advice and techniques, for how to get out of a mental rut and make life more rewarding. This title helps you to: make friends quickly and easily; increase your popularity; win people to your way of thinking; enable you to win new clients and customers; become a better speaker and a more entertaining conversationalist; and, more.
Offers advice and techniques, for how to get out of a mental rut and make life more rewarding. This title helps you to: make friends quickly and easil...
Good public speakers are made, not born. This work takes you step by step through: acquiring basic skills; developing confidence; speaking effectively the quick and easy way; earning the right to talk; vitalising your talk; and sharing the talk with the audience.
Good public speakers are made, not born. This work takes you step by step through: acquiring basic skills; developing confidence; speaking effectively...
Shows you how to overcome the natural fear of public speaking and to become a successful speaker. This work includes ways to: develop poise; gain self-confidence; improve your memory; make your meaning clear; begin and end a talk effectively; interest and charm your audience; improve your diction; and win an argument without making enemies.
Shows you how to overcome the natural fear of public speaking and to become a successful speaker. This work includes ways to: develop poise; gain self...
Life is very much what we make it, and since most of us spend the greater part of our lives at work, it follows that we should be making the best of our working lives. This book demonstrates that anyone can achieve greater satisfaction in both their home life and their job by learning to integrate business, social and personal fulfilment.
Life is very much what we make it, and since most of us spend the greater part of our lives at work, it follows that we should be making the best of o...
Worry affects everyone and descends with ease upon work, money, family life and relationships. This book offers practical strategies for breaking out of this destructive habit, before it breaks you. It shows how worry has been conquered by thousands, some famous, but most just ordinary people.
Worry affects everyone and descends with ease upon work, money, family life and relationships. This book offers practical strategies for breaking out ...
This title shows how to be a positively assertive, prosperous and inspired professional. Readers can learn to relate to the seven major personality types, live up to their fullest potential while achieving personal success, create a cutting-edge business environment that delivers innovation and results, and much more.
This title shows how to be a positively assertive, prosperous and inspired professional. Readers can learn to relate to the seven major personality ty...
Como ganar amigos y influir sobre las personas por Dale Carnegie Recuerde constantemente cuan importantes son estos principios. Piense usted como contribuira su dominio a llevarle a obtener una vida mas feliz, rica, plena. Diciendose una y otra vez: -Mi popularidad, mi felicidad y mi valor dependen, en grado no pequenno, de mi habilidad para tratar con la gente-. A que se debe el exito excepcional de este libro, siempre actual despues de tantos annos? Es el arte de tratar con la gente. Dale Carnegie no nos defrauda cuando nos ensenna como se puede hacer amigos e influir sobre otros. Asi...
Como ganar amigos y influir sobre las personas por Dale Carnegie Recuerde constantemente cuan importantes son estos principios. Piense usted como cont...
Studie se pokouší nastínit koncepci slova a řeči ve struktuře prozaických textů Věry Linhartové. Předmětem zkoumání jsou zde autorčiny česky psané texty vydané v letech 1964–1968, tj. texty ze souborů Prostor k rozlišení (1964), Meziprůzkum nejblíž uplynulého (1964), Přestořeč (1966), Dům daleko (1968) a samostatná próza Rozprava o zdviži (1965). Tyto texty se výrazně orientují ke slovu a k řeči: ke slovu jakožto k prostředku i překážce komunikace; k řeči coby k prostoru k sebeuvědomění. Autorka studie zde představuje hlavní rysy poetiky...
Studie se pokouší nastínit koncepci slova a řeči ve struktuře prozaických textů Věry Linhartové. Předmětem zkoumání jsou zde autorčiny ...