The adventure of a lifetime is just beginning ...It has lain lost and forgotten for fifteen hundred years in the ancient heartland of England - a scrap of glass and metal melded by fierce fire. It is the lost core of a flawless Sphere made by the greatest of the Anglo-Saxon CraeftLords in memory of the one he loved. Her name was Spring and contained in the very heart of this work is a spark from the Fires of Creation. But while humans have lost their belief in such things, the Hydden - little people existing on the borders of our world - have not. Breaking the silence of centuries they send...
The adventure of a lifetime is just beginning ...It has lain lost and forgotten for fifteen hundred years in the ancient heartland of England - a scra...
Winter has been unleashed upon the Hyddenworld by an angry Earth. And Judith, now the Earth's unwilling ally and shield maiden, is powerless to intervene. Then while both human and Hydden lands wither, humans find their way into this secret realm to destroy all that winter's storms haven't undone. The Hydden city of Brum now faces its darkest days; joining its greatest enemy to combat invaders. But ultimately, survival depends on its champions Jack, Katherine and scrivener Bedwyn Stort. If they can locate a last gem, burning with fire and magic, devastation may be averted. But if the jewel...
Winter has been unleashed upon the Hyddenworld by an angry Earth. And Judith, now the Earth's unwilling ally and shield maiden, is powerless to interv...