An unsettling, darkly humorous tale of teenage girls in a predatory adult world, and a cocktail of lies, jealousy and unworldliness that leads to tragedy.
An unsettling, darkly humorous tale of teenage girls in a predatory adult world, and a cocktail of lies, jealousy and unworldliness that leads to trag...
The prize-winning debut by Jenn Ashworth, which led her to be picked as one of the 12 Best New British Novelists by BBC TV's The Culture Show in 2011, a blackly funny and compelling tale of obsession, misplaced passion and one seriously mixed-up young woman - the kind of neighbour you would not wish on your worst enemy.
The prize-winning debut by Jenn Ashworth, which led her to be picked as one of the 12 Best New British Novelists by BBC TV's The Culture Show in 2011,...