Test your football knowledge with over 300 funny and fascinating questions about international games. How much do you know about the World Cup - and the world? Test yourself and your friends with over 300 brain-busting questions from Football School. Why are England called the Three Lions? What is Lionel Messi's creepy-crawly nickname? Which World Cup player wore a wig? Discover the answers to these questions and much, much more. Packed with hilarious cartoons and fascinating trivia, this spin-off from the bestselling series is the perfect way for fans to learn more about the beautiful...
Test your football knowledge with over 300 funny and fascinating questions about international games. How much do you know about the World Cup - an...
From the Guardian's very own puzzle master, Puzzle Ninja is a new collection following the bestselling Can You Solve My Problems? The puzzle masters of Japan create the world's most satisfying puzzles. Each has a distinctive style but what unites them is their megawatt brains and the beauty of their hand-crafted puzzles, which will challenge and sharpen the mind. Alex Bellos has collected over 200 of their most ingenious puzzles, rated easy to excruciating, and introduces over twenty new types of addictive problems to solve. Can you beat the puzzle masters to become a puzzle ninja?
From the Guardian's very own puzzle master, Puzzle Ninja is a new collection following the bestselling Can You Solve My Problems? The puzzle master...
Náš nesmírně složitý svět se překvapivě často řídí neočekávanými matematickými schématy. Alex Bellos, autor bestselleru Alexova dobrodružství v zemi čísel , se opět ujal role zábavného a současně trpělivého průvodce. Z abstraktního světa matematiky se tentokrát vrací do světa konkrétní každodenní zkušenosti. Na cestě matematickou krajinou potkáme trojúhelníky, rotace a mocninové zákony, ale i fraktály, kužele a křivky. Autor se s vámi podělí o výsledky své ankety, ve které hlasovalo 30 000 respondentů o nejoblíbenější číslo na...
Náš nesmírně složitý svět se překvapivě často řídí neočekávanými matematickými schématy. Alex Bellos, autor bestselleru Alexova dobr...
The third book in the bestselling series that teaches you about the world through football. This book is packed with awesome true stories, real science and fascinating facts and will make you laugh loads - and it's all about football. What colour are Cristiano Ronaldo's pyjamas? How many bones are there in the human foot? And why is that dodo alive and kicking? The third book in the bestselling series teaches children about history, maths, geography and biology through football, facts and fun. With side-splitting cartoons and multiple choice quizzes, this is the perfect book for anyone who...
The third book in the bestselling series that teaches you about the world through football. This book is packed with awesome true stories, real scien...
Get young fans dreaming big with this incredible collection of inspirational lives from the world of football. What made Pele the greatest player of all time? How did Nadia Nadim flee from Afghanistan and end up playing for Manchester City? Who was the Liverpool player who invented the world's most popular football boot? This collection of fifty biographies brings together the the incredible true stories of the game's greatest legends who changed the world of football. Empowering and inspirational, this is the perfect book to get young fans dreaming big both on and off the pitch.
Get young fans dreaming big with this incredible collection of inspirational lives from the world of football. What made Pele the greatest player o...
The fourth book in the bestselling series that teaches you amazing facts about the world through football. This book is packed with awesome true stories, real science and fascinating facts and will make you laugh loads - and it's all about football! Discover when robots play football, where the highest ever football match took place, how referees keep time in matches and what llamas and professional footballers have in common. With hilarious illustrations throughout and laugh-out-loud gags, this is the perfect book for football-mad children everywhere.
The fourth book in the bestselling series that teaches you amazing facts about the world through football. This book is packed with awesome true st...
Get ready to laugh your football socks off with this side-splitting joke book from the creators of the bestselling Football School series. What's a striker's favourite magic routine? A hat trick! Why was the peacock sent off? It was a professional fowl What's a chip-lover's top footie show? Catch of the Day, with Gary Vinegar Packed with great gags about silly stars, team titters and naughty nicknames, this is the perfect gift to give any football fan the giggles.
Get ready to laugh your football socks off with this side-splitting joke book from the creators of the bestselling Football School series. What's ...
The tenth anniversary edition of the Sunday Times bestselling book The world of maths can seem mind-boggling, irrelevant and, let's face it, boring. This groundbreaking book reclaims maths from the geeks. Mathematical ideas underpin just about everything in our lives: from the surprising geometry of the 50p piece to how probability can help you win in any casino. In search of weird and wonderful mathematical phenomena, Alex Bellos travels across the globe and meets the world's fastest mental calculators in Germany and a startlingly numerate chimpanzee in Japan. Packed with fascinating,...
The tenth anniversary edition of the Sunday Times bestselling book The world of maths can seem mind-boggling, irrelevant and, let's face it, boring...
The fourth book in the bestselling series that teaches you amazing facts about the world through football. This book is packed with awesome true stories, real science and fascinating facts and will make you laugh loads - and it's all about football! Discover when robots play football, where the highest ever football match took place, how referees keep time in matches and what llamas and professional footballers have in common. With hilarious illustrations throughout and laugh-out-loud gags, this is the perfect book for football-mad children everywhere.
The fourth book in the bestselling series that teaches you amazing facts about the world through football. This book is packed with awesome true st...
Test your football knowledge with over 300 funny and fascinating questions about the beautiful game. How much do you know about football - and the world? Test yourself and your friends with over 300 brain-busting questions from Football School. Discover questions on star strikers, crafty coaches, momentous matches and much, much more. Packed with hilarious cartoons and fascinating trivia, this spin-off from the bestselling series is the perfect way for fans to learn more about the beautiful game.
Test your football knowledge with over 300 funny and fascinating questions about the beautiful game. How much do you know about football - and the wo...