The heartbreaking tale of Claire's struggle to overcome her childhood abuse, which began in 'Our Little Secret' continues. Claire is now a wealthy and successful woman, with an adopted daughter and the love of a wonderful man, who cares nothing for her sordid past. But she is still haunted by the memories of her early life.
The heartbreaking tale of Claire's struggle to overcome her childhood abuse, which began in 'Our Little Secret' continues. Claire is now a wealthy and...
When a mysterious fire kills her adoptive parents, Madeleine and her beloved brother Oliver are separated. Worse still, Maddie is blamed for starting the fire and, labelled a difficult child, she is sent to a children's home. Far from idyllic, the home well conceals the misery of its young occupants.
When a mysterious fire kills her adoptive parents, Madeleine and her beloved brother Oliver are separated. Worse still, Maddie is blamed for starting ...
One winter's night, Molly Ernshaw rescues a newborn baby from the snow and changes two families for ever. The tiny girl grows into a beautiful and gifted young woman. Although devoted to Molly, who she believes is her grandmother, Amy has far-reaching ambitions.
One winter's night, Molly Ernshaw rescues a newborn baby from the snow and changes two families for ever. The tiny girl grows into a beautiful and gif...
When Adina and her family are forced to flee Cologne to escape Nazism in 1938, leaving their luxurious lifestyle is painful. Harder still is finding herself a refugee in a foreign country. But Adina is a compassionate and determined girl and as they settle into a new life in the Midlands she finds the strength to survive.
When Adina and her family are forced to flee Cologne to escape Nazism in 1938, leaving their luxurious lifestyle is painful. Harder still is finding h...
Rosie Goodwin is in the UK's top 120 most-borrowed library authors, regularly appears in the Bookseller's 'Heatseekers' top twenty, and her frequent book signings and events are very popular
Rosie Goodwin is in the UK's top 120 most-borrowed library authors, regularly appears in the Bookseller's 'Heatseekers' top twenty, and her frequent b...
Rebecca's adopted, but her new father can't warm to her, and her mother can't succeed in turning her into the princess she longs for. When her adoptive mother dies, her aunt takes her in, and soon Rebecca's life is worse than ever. She longs to escape to the circus that visits her town - but will she ever find happiness?
Rebecca's adopted, but her new father can't warm to her, and her mother can't succeed in turning her into the princess she longs for. When her adoptiv...