Based on the beloved series of water lily paintings by Claude Monet, this children's book draws readers into the atmosphere and colors of Monet's garden at Giverny, where a lovely but vain frog tries to insert herself into the artist's work. When Antoinette, a comely young frog, learns that a famous artist is searching for beautiful flowers to paint, she is determined to get in the picture. But once the portrait is painted, it disappears--perhaps forever. This delightfully humorous mystery is accompanied by colorful illustrations that recall Monet's paintings of the pond near his home in...
Based on the beloved series of water lily paintings by Claude Monet, this children's book draws readers into the atmosphere and colors of Monet's gard...
Drawing on ancient Egyptian sculptures seen in museums around the world, this enchanting story for children reveals the powerful connection between Egyptians and the hippopotami that inhabited the Nile. To the ancient Egyptians, the hippopotamus was one of the most dangerous animals in their world. The huge creatures were a hazard for small fishing boats and other river craft. But in this delightful story, a young boy befriends a little hippo and together they live out their days along the banks of the Nile. After many years, when the boy's life comes to an end, the hippo finds himself in a...
Drawing on ancient Egyptian sculptures seen in museums around the world, this enchanting story for children reveals the powerful connection between Eg...