Tells the story of a family of English children who, on being sent by their parents back to England from Jamaica, fall into the hands of pirates. As this voyage of innocence continues the events which unfold begin to take on a savagely detached and haunting quality.
Tells the story of a family of English children who, on being sent by their parents back to England from Jamaica, fall into the hands of pirates. As t...
GPST Stage 3: Written and Simulation Exercises, Second Edition continues the tradition of the BMA award-winning first edition by providing the most relevant and current revision guide for candidates preparing for the GPST Stage 3 assessment. Written by authors who run a highly successful GPST course in West London, and who therefore have first-hand experience of the selection process, the book provides an ideal framework to help candidates prepare for both the written and the simulation exercises used in the assessment. The new edition has been updated to reflect the inclusion of more...
GPST Stage 3: Written and Simulation Exercises, Second Edition continues the tradition of the BMA award-winning first edition by providing the most re...