In the late 1990s, a group of young drifters find themselves together on the coast of Wales. They explore and attempt to overcome the yearnings and addictions that brought them this place: promiscuity, drugs, petty crime, and the angry search for the meaning.
In the late 1990s, a group of young drifters find themselves together on the coast of Wales. They explore and attempt to overcome the yearnings and ad...
Ianto has been robbed of his ancestral home, a near-derelict hovel in the mountains of west Wales. He pledges revenge not only on the English yuppies who have ruined his grandmother's cottage but also on those who have ruined his land.
Ianto has been robbed of his ancestral home, a near-derelict hovel in the mountains of west Wales. He pledges revenge not only on the English yuppies ...
Written with a raging, lyrical fury, this is a devastating satire on a society fixated on image and celebrity - how innocence and individuality are routinely sacrificed for the totems of sex and wealth and glamour: a magnificent howl of anger and despair at a culture disintegrating into a brittle cult of fame.
Written with a raging, lyrical fury, this is a devastating satire on a society fixated on image and celebrity - how innocence and individuality are ro...
One of Britain's most significant and brilliant pieces of fiction, a lost contemporary classic that deserves rediscovery This outstanding novel tells of one boy's journey into the grown-up world. By the light of a full moon our narrator and his friends Huw and Moi witness a side to their Welsh village life that they had no idea existed, and their innocence is exchanged for the shocking reality of the adult world.
One of Britain's most significant and brilliant pieces of fiction, a lost contemporary classic that deserves rediscovery This outstanding ...