Dozens of lively international case studies that help readers put core marketing principles in a real-world context
From market research to positioning and brand management to customer relations, marketing is the engine that drives innovation and growth in the modern business organization. This latest addition to the acclaimed Pathfinder series, like its popular predecessor, The Strategy Pathfinder, features a unique blend of core concepts and brief, international case studies. A refreshing contrast to traditional marketing texts and references, which tend to be prescriptive...
Dozens of lively international case studies that help readers put core marketing principles in a real-world context
As an ancient Egyptian, your body is being prepared for the afterlife. But it's fairly disgusting business, and you can't be sure that you will always be treated with respect. This title in the popular You Wouldn't Want to Be series features full-colour illustrations which combine humour and accurate technical detail. Featuring brand new extra content including a timeline, fun facts a list of 'top' characters and a map.
As an ancient Egyptian, your body is being prepared for the afterlife. But it's fairly disgusting business, and you can't be sure that you will always...
Get ready: as a young man living in the Roman Empire, you've heard many stories about far-away lands and people. It sounds exciting but you're about to discover how tough life really is for a Roman soldier! The humorous cartoon-style illustrations and narrative approach will absorb readers in the informative story.
Get ready: as a young man living in the Roman Empire, you've heard many stories about far-away lands and people. It sounds exciting but you're about ...
Nikolaos Karagiannis Sheilia R. Goodwin David Stewart
There is significant debate regarding the quality of the national health system of the United States relative to those of other countries. The U.S. healthcare system has been heavily criticized as a highly inefficient, disorganized, fragmented, and under-resourced primary care system that contributes to high healthcare costs, high rates of uninsured individuals, and a number of health problems in comparison to the situation in other Western nations. Further, the United States is currently the only wealthy industrialized country that has not achieved universal health coverage. Together, these...
There is significant debate regarding the quality of the national health system of the United States relative to those of other countries. The U.S. he...
Nikolaos Karagiannis Sheilia R. Goodwin David Stewart
There is significant debate regarding the quality of the national health system of the United States relative to those of other countries. The U.S. healthcare system has been heavily criticized as a highly inefficient, disorganized, fragmented, and under-resourced primary care system that contributes to high healthcare costs, high rates of uninsured individuals, and a number of health problems in comparison to the situation in other Western nations. Further, the United States is currently the only wealthy industrialized country that has not achieved universal health coverage. Together, these...
There is significant debate regarding the quality of the national health system of the United States relative to those of other countries. The U.S. he...