Most of Jesus teaching on the uncomfortable subject of hell was addressed to his followers, yet it hardly features in sermons today. Challenging the modern alternatives of liberal universalism and evangelical annihilationism, David Pawson presents the traditional concept of endless torment as soundly biblical, illustrating his argument with in-depth Scripture studies on controversial passages. Heaven is also a reality, he affirms, but it is hell which is being overlooked.
Most of Jesus teaching on the uncomfortable subject of hell was addressed to his followers, yet it hardly features in sermons today. Challenging the m...
Elisabeth Elliot writes in the Foreword: "Here is a simple, sane, serious treatment of the subject by a man who loves God, respects women, and takes the inspiration of Scripture and the integrity of the apostles for granted. He deals with all the difficult texts. He tells us that his subject is not a clerical issue, nor is hierarchical, situational, historical, or experimental; it is biblical. Read this book. The exegesis points to the mystery. Mysteries are things revealed, not explained. Mysteries are always unsettling."
Elisabeth Elliot writes in the Foreword: "Here is a simple, sane, serious treatment of the subject by a man who loves God, respects women, and takes t...
The author has a passionate desire to see Charismatics and Evangelicals united. He has made a searching study of their remaining differences which he believes can be resolved without compromise. This book is essential reading for every Christian with a vision for a church united in faithfulness to the Word and openness to the work of the Holy Spirit.
The author has a passionate desire to see Charismatics and Evangelicals united. He has made a searching study of their remaining differences which he ...
Many are familiar with John 3:16. This book exposes misguided teaching, clearing up many common misunderstandings and providing an extremely helpful and detailed explanation of the verse in its context. The relevance of the surrounding verses is explored, and many fascinating insights equip the reader to understand the true meaning and significance of the passage and its proper application. Difficult and controversial issues are not avoided, and we are shown how powerful this passage is. A major challenge for today's Christians.
Many are familiar with John 3:16. This book exposes misguided teaching, clearing up many common misunderstandings and providing an extremely helpful a...
The true hope Jesus gives us in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapters 24 and 25. In this powerful teaching, the author explains the signs we are beginning to see in the world around us, and which we are still to look for.
The true hope Jesus gives us in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapters 24 and 25. In this powerful teaching, the author explains the signs we are b...
In this book, David Pawson calls the church back to the very heart of the good news. For many, the 'gospel' is that God loves everybody unconditionally. Yet neither Jesus nor his apostles ever preached like that. They seem to have thought that the world needed to know about his righteousness and his willingness, even his eagerness, to share that with us. That is because he is determined to have a universe in which there is no unrighteousness whatever. Why don't we think that is good news?
In this book, David Pawson calls the church back to the very heart of the good news. For many, the 'gospel' is that God loves everybody unconditionall...
'Yo espero que nada sobrenatural suceda hoy en nuestra Iglesia' fue la honesta pero simpatica reaccion de una anciana miembro de nuestra iglesia' cuando su pastor lanzo una serie de veinte sermones abarcando toda mencion sobre el Espiritu Santo en la Biblia. Sus esperanzas fueron frustradas cuando su mismo pastor tuvo un totalmente inesperado encuentro con el Espiritu Santo, llevandole (en realidad, orando) en lenguas, por un diacono enfermo quien se habia autodesignado 'lider de la oposicion' El resultado fue un completa sanacion y reconciliacion, juntos con un 'bautismo en el Espiritu...
'Yo espero que nada sobrenatural suceda hoy en nuestra Iglesia' fue la honesta pero simpatica reaccion de una anciana miembro de nuestra iglesia' cuan...
Each book in the Explaining series examines an important aspect of the Christian faith and is written in a way that presents the message of the Bible clearly and simply. In this book David Pawson teaches on Revelation 3:20, John 1:12-13 and John 3:16.
Each book in the Explaining series examines an important aspect of the Christian faith and is written in a way that presents the message of the Bible ...
A poligamia consecutiva ou seriada (prática na qual um homem ou uma mulher se casa várias vezes sucessivamente, mas um casamento por vez) é uma norma aceita atualmente na sociedade contemporânea. Não é de admirar, uma vez que as restrições sociais, legais, morais e financeiras que sustentam a longevidade e a permanência dos casamentos têm sido sistematicamente corroídas em uma época relativista em que vale tudo.
É surpreendente que o divórcio e o novo casamento estejam se tornando cada vez mais comuns, tanto dentro como fora da igreja, e até mesmo entre líderes cristãos,...
A poligamia consecutiva ou seriada (prática na qual um homem ou uma mulher se casa várias vezes sucessivamente, mas um casamento por vez) é uma nor...