Famously referred to as an 'Axis-of-Evil' country, North Korea is one of the most secretive and mysterious nations in the world. A series of manmade and natural catastrophes have also left it one of the poorest. This work offers a look at an enigmatic country.
Famously referred to as an 'Axis-of-Evil' country, North Korea is one of the most secretive and mysterious nations in the world. A series of manmade a...
Guy Delisle expertly lays the groundwork for a cultural road map of contemporary Jerusalem, utilizing the classic stranger-in-a-strange-land point of view that made his other books, Pyongyang, Shenzhen, and Burma Chronicles, required reading for understanding what daily life is like in cities few are able to travel to. In Jerusalem: Chronicles from the Holy City, Delisle explores the complexities of a city that represents so much to so many. He eloquently examines the impact of the conflict on the lives of people on both sides of the wall while drolly recounting the quotidian: checkpoints,...
Guy Delisle expertly lays the groundwork for a cultural road map of contemporary Jerusalem, utilizing the classic stranger-in-a-strange-land point of ...
Pohled na historický okamžik českého divadla, kdy se na jednom místě - v Hradci Králové - střetávají hned 3 režisérské osobnosti: Jan Grossman, Miroslav Krobot a Josef Krofta, kdy se v určitou chvílí (1980-1984) rodí něco nového - Studio Beseda -, kdy se otevírá celá nová etapa ve vývoji českého divadla - 80. léta. Množství textů a svědectví k tématu Studia Beseda provází bohatá fotodokumentace i řada autentických dobových dokumentů.
Pohled na historický okamžik českého divadla, kdy se na jednom místě - v Hradci Králové - střetávají hned 3 režisérské osobnosti: Jan G...