Taking postings in some of the world's wildest and most remote regions, not to mention some of the roughest rigs, Paul Carter has worked, and got into trouble, in locations as far-flung as the North Sea, as exotic as Sumatra, and as flat-out dangerous as Columbia, Nigeria and Russia. Here, he tells his stories.
Taking postings in some of the world's wildest and most remote regions, not to mention some of the roughest rigs, Paul Carter has worked, and got into...
A white-knuckle ride around Australia on a green bike. From the author of Don't Tell Mum I Work on the Rigs (She Thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse).
A white-knuckle ride around Australia on a green bike. From the author of Don't Tell Mum I Work on the Rigs (She Thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whoreh...