The painter and architect Giorgio Vasari was a pupil of Michelangelo's who worked mainly in Florence and Rome, but he is more famous for his Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects. This is the boxed-set edition of both volumes of his work, translated by Gaston de Vere.
The painter and architect Giorgio Vasari was a pupil of Michelangelo's who worked mainly in Florence and Rome, but he is more famous for his Lives of ...
In his Lives of the Artists of the Italian Renaissance, Vasari demonstrated a literary talent that outshone even his outstanding abilities as a painter and architect. Through character sketches and anecdotes he depicts Piero di Cosimo shut away in his derelict house, living only to paint; Giulio Romano's startling painting of Jove striking down the giants; and his friend Francesco Salviati, whose biography also tells us much about Vasari's own early career. Vasari's original and soaring vision plus his acute aesthetic judgements have made him one of the most influential art historians of all...
In his Lives of the Artists of the Italian Renaissance, Vasari demonstrated a literary talent that outshone even his outstanding abilities as a painte...
The painter Veronese's life is here displayed in severalearly biographies, each showcasing a different side of the artist ""Never was a painter more nobly joyous, never did an artist take a greater delight in life, seeing it all as a kind of breezy festival and feeling it through the medium of perpetual success. . . He was the happiest of painters." Henry James on Veronese, 1909" Collected here for the first time, these fascinating early biographies (one of which has never been translated before) describe and celebrate the astonishingly fertile art of Paolo Veronese. Most of what we...
The painter Veronese's life is here displayed in severalearly biographies, each showcasing a different side of the artist ""Never was a painter m...
Titian (c. 1488-1576) was recognized very early on as the leading painter of his generation in Venice. Starting in the studio of the aged Giovanni Bellini, Titian, with his contemporary Giorgione, almost immediately started to expand the range of what was possible in painting, converting Bellini's statuesque style into something far more impressionistic and romantic. This restless spirit of innovation and improvisation never left him, and during his long life he experimented with a number of different styles, the brushwork of his last great paintings showing a mysterious poetry that...
Titian (c. 1488-1576) was recognized very early on as the leading painter of his generation in Venice. Starting in the studio of the aged Giovanni B...
The most exhilarating painter of the Renaissance and arguably of the whole of western art, Tintoretto was known as Il Furioso because of the attack and energy of his style. His vaunting ambition is recorded in the inscription he placed in his studio: l disegno di Michelangelo ed il colorito di Tiziano ("Michelangelo's drawing and Titian's colour"). The Florentines Vasari and Borghini, and the Venetians Ridolfi and Boschini wrote the earliest biographies of the artist. The four accounts are related each other and form the backbone of the critical success of Tintoretto. Borghini is the...
The most exhilarating painter of the Renaissance and arguably of the whole of western art, Tintoretto was known as Il Furioso because of the attack ...
Životy nejvýznačnějších malířů, sochařů a architektů, jež Giorgio Vasari publikoval v roce 1550, kdy mu bylo necelých čtyřicet let, jsou nejzábavnější a nejtrvalejší knihou o výtvarném umění, která byla kdy napsána, a současně také prvním velkým dílem umělecké kritiky a dějin umění. Vasari vypráví neuvěřitelně bohatý příběh italského renesančního umění, z něhož vycházel celý další vývoj výtvarného oboru. Nabízí portréty umělců italské renesance, počínaje Cimabuem, který působil ve 13. století, a vrcholí o tři sta let...
Životy nejvýznačnějších malířů, sochařů a architektů, jež Giorgio Vasari publikoval v roce 1550, kdy mu bylo necelých čtyřicet let, js...