A collection of repertoire books of enjoyable, interesting, and stimulating material for use in the early stages of learning. Pieces are in chronological order, with brief notes placing them in history.
A collection of repertoire books of enjoyable, interesting, and stimulating material for use in the early stages of learning. Pieces are in chronologi...
Offering a method by one of the leading figures in clarinet education, this title starts at absolute beginner level and progresses to about Grade 2. It contains 22 stages and each section includes a variety of concert pieces from composers, traditional tunes and fun, original exercises, 'finger gyms' and 'warm ups'.
Offering a method by one of the leading figures in clarinet education, this title starts at absolute beginner level and progresses to about Grade 2. I...
Helps the player overcome problems, by building up a complete picture of each piece, through rhythmic and melodic exercises related to specific technical issues, then by studying prepared pieces with associated questions, and finally 'going solo' with a series of meticulously-graded sight-reading pieces.
Helps the player overcome problems, by building up a complete picture of each piece, through rhythmic and melodic exercises related to specific techni...
Helps the player overcome problems, by building up a complete picture of each piece, through rhythmic and melodic exercises related to specific technical issues, then by studying prepared pieces with associated questions, and finally 'going solo' with a series of meticulously-graded sight-reading pieces.
Helps the player overcome problems, by building up a complete picture of each piece, through rhythmic and melodic exercises related to specific techni...
Having a good ear is vital to becoming a successful musician, and Improve Your Aural is here to help develop your musicianship in easy progressive stages. Through fun listening activities, boxes to fill in, and practice exercises, this interactive workbook and two CDs focus directly on all those key skills you need. And because all aspects of musical training are of course connected, a range of activities are included to help develop the ear This new edition of this popular series supports the new ABRSM syllabus requirements from 2010, ensuring success in the aural test of graded exams,...
Having a good ear is vital to becoming a successful musician, and Improve Your Aural is here to help develop your musicianship in easy progressive st...
The new editions of this popular series supports the new ABRSM string syllabus requirements from 2012, ensuring success in the sight-reading tests of graded exams.
The new editions of this popular series supports the new ABRSM string syllabus requirements from 2012, ensuring success in the sight-reading tests of ...
By considering The Virtuoso Teacher and how a teacher might attain virtuoso status, renowned educator and writer Paul Harris delves into the core issues of being a teacher and the teaching process. A fascinating look at topics such as: self-awareness and the importance of emotional intelligence, getting the best out of pupils, dealing with challenging pupils, asking the right questions, creating a master-plan, taking the stress out of learning, and teaching for the right reasons. This seminal book is an inspirational read for all music teachers, encouraging everyone to consider themselves...
By considering The Virtuoso Teacher and how a teacher might attain virtuoso status, renowned educator and writer Paul Harris delves into the core issu...
Does the thought of sight-reading make you groan? The ability to sight-read fluently is a vital skill, enabling you to learn new pieces more quickly and play with other musicians. The best-selling Improve Your Sight-reading series, by renowned educationalist Paul Harris, is designed to help you overcome all your sight-reading problems, especially in the context of graded exams. Step by step you build up a complete picture of each piece, first through rhythmic and melodic exercises related to specific technical issues, then by studying prepared pieces with associated questions, and...
Does the thought of sight-reading make you groan? The ability to sight-read fluently is a vital skill, enabling you to learn new pieces more quickly a...
In 1971, Paul Harris pioneered the modern version of the black rage defense when he successfully defended a young black man charged with armed bank robbery. Dubbed one of the most novel criminal defenses in American history by Vanity Fair, the black rage defense is enormously controversial, frequently dismissed as irresponsible, nothing less than a harbinger of anarchy. Consider the firestorm of protest that resulted when the defense for Colin Ferguson, the gunman who murdered numerous passengers on a New York commuter train, claimed it was considering a black rage defense.
In 1971, Paul Harris pioneered the modern version of the black rage defense when he successfully defended a young black man charged with armed bank...