Soon to be made into a film, Raphael, Gardo and Rat are three street kids who sort through mountains of trash for anything they can sell or recycle. When they come across a mysterious bag amongst the rubbish, containing a key and a wallet, they are soon on the run, using their wits and quick tongues to stay ahead of the police.
Soon to be made into a film, Raphael, Gardo and Rat are three street kids who sort through mountains of trash for anything they can sell or recycle. W...
Raphael is a dumpsite boy. He spends his days wading through mountains of steaming trash, sifting it, sorting it, breathing it, sleeping next to it. Then one unlucky-lucky day, Raphael's world turns upside down. A small leather bag falls into his hands. It's a bag of clues. It's a bag of hope. It's a bag that will change everything.
Raphael is a dumpsite boy. He spends his days wading through mountains of steaming trash, sifting it, sorting it, breathing it, sleeping next to it. T...
The incredible story of a boy with two heads, from Andy Mulligan, the acclaimed author of Trash. How would you feel if you woke up and found another head growing out of your neck? A living, breathing, TALKING head, with a rude, sharp tongue and an evil sense of humour. It knows all your darkest thoughts and it's not afraid to say what it thinks... to ANYBODY. That's what happens to eleven-year-old Richard Westlake, and life becomes very, very complicated. Part thriller, part horror, part comedy -- this is one of the most riveting novels about fear and friendship that you...
The incredible story of a boy with two heads, from Andy Mulligan, the acclaimed author of Trash. How would you feel if you woke up a...
Thriller připomínající slavný film Milionář z chatrče. Rafael bydlí spolu se dvěma kamarády na skládce odpadu v nejmenované zemi připomínající Brazílii, jsou to děti ze slumu. Jednoho dne najde mezi odpadky tašku, v níž je 1100 peset, obrázek a klíč. Tento nález v chlapcích zažehne touhu po dobrodružství, a tak se rozhodnou přijít na to, komu věci patří. Když to zjistí, dozvědí se i o boji jednoho člověka se strašnou nespravedlností. To se však dozvědět neměli – brzy začne jít o život i jim...
Andy Mulligan je populárním a...
Thriller připomínající slavný film Milionář z chatrče. Rafael bydlí spolu se dvěma kamarády na skládce odpadu v nejmenované zemi připom...