This book in the popular Images of War series covers the deeds of the Waffen-SS on the Western Front during the Second World War. With extensive text and in-depth captions with many rare and unpublished photographs, it describes the fighting tactics, the uniforms, the battles and the different elements that went into making the Waffen-SS such an elite fighting unit. It traces how the Waffen-SS carefully built up their assault forces utilizing all available reserves and resources into a ruthlessly effective killing machine. It depicts how this awesome military formation grew to be used in...
This book in the popular Images of War series covers the deeds of the Waffen-SS on the Western Front during the Second World War. With extensive text ...
From the beginning in 1935 this attractive book describes the different elements that went into the Panzer-Divisions. It describes how the Germans carefully built up their assault forces utilizing all available reserves and resources into making an effective fighting machine. It depicts how these awesome formations grew to be used four years later in war, and provides much historical information and facts about the vehicles and its components that fought in all the campaigns of the war from the early victorious Blitzkrieg in Poland and France to the last ditch defense in Germany in 1945. Each...
From the beginning in 1935 this attractive book describes the different elements that went into the Panzer-Divisions. It describes how the Germans car...
The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the site of the single largest mass murder in history. Over one million mainly Jewish men, women, and children were murdered in its gas chambers. Countless more died as a result of disease and starvation. 'Auschwitz Death Camp' is a chilling pictorial record of this infamous establishment. Using some 250 photographs together with detailed captions and accompanying text, it describes how Auschwitz evolved from a brutal labor camp at the beginning of the war into what was literally a factory of death. The images how people lived, worked and died...
The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the site of the single largest mass murder in history. Over one million mainly Jewish men, women, and...
Founded in 1922 the Hitler Youth movement was the second oldest Nazi group. Comprising male youths aged 14 18, by December 1936 membership stood at over 5 million. During the Second World War, the role of Hitlerjugend evolved from assisting with the postal, train and fire services into full war fighting. Recruits went into units such as the elite 12th SS Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend and we see graphic images of this Waffen-SS force in action both on the Eastern and Western fronts.Even as the Nazi cause faced inevitable defeat these units fought with fanatical and disturbing bravery and after...
Founded in 1922 the Hitler Youth movement was the second oldest Nazi group. Comprising male youths aged 14 18, by December 1936 membership stood at ov...
Accompanied by rare and unpublished photos with in-depth captions the book presents a unique visual account of one of the Nazi s most infamous concentration camps. The imagery shows the SS s murderous activities inside Belsen, and also reveal another disturbing side to them relaxing in their barracks or visiting their families and loved ones.The book is an absorbing insight into how the SS played a key part in murdering, torturing and starving to death tens of thousands of inmates. During the latter part of the war as many as 500 a day were perishing from the long-term effects of starvation...
Accompanied by rare and unpublished photos with in-depth captions the book presents a unique visual account of one of the Nazi s most infamous concent...
Autobiografický román Rady Biller (1930) je nahlédnutím do zkušenosti společných ruských a českých dějin 20. století od předválečných dob do začátku let sedmdesátých. Příběh Ley začíná v tehdy nádherném Baku třicátých let, kde přišla na svět jako dcera židovské matky a arménského otce. Ještě před válkou se rodina odstěhovala do Moskvy, která tu ožívá v každodennosti, kterou český čtenář téměř nezná. Válka vyžene rodinu do Baškirska, na dlouhý čas odvede otce, matka s dcerou se vracejí přes Stalingrad zpět do Baku. Cesta se...
Autobiografický román Rady Biller (1930) je nahlédnutím do zkušenosti společných ruských a českých dějin 20. století od předválečných ...
German Army on the Eastern Front The Advance is a highly illustrated record of the extraordinary feat of arms that saw the Nazi armies drive deep into the vast terrain of the Soviet Union, to the gates of Stalingrad and Moscow. It traces the campaign from these hopeful beginnings until, on the brink of victory, the defenders and the winter contrived to slow and then halt the advance. It vividly conveys the appalling conditions endured by the invaders. By early 1943 the German advance finally petered out, leaving some 1.5 million dead from the battle of Stalingrad alone. The long and costly...
German Army on the Eastern Front The Advance is a highly illustrated record of the extraordinary feat of arms that saw the Nazi armies drive deep into...