At first everyone presumes that the woman behind the windbreak is asleep. It is only when the tide comes in, lapping at her feet, that the horrific crime is discovered. The woman is identified as Emma Tysoe, top psychologist and criminal profiler. Bath detective Peter Diamond and DCI Hen Mallin are desperate for answers: why was she sun-bathing alone so far from home? Where is the murder weapon? What happened to the man who found her? When they discover that Emma was secretly investigating the assassination of a celebrity, the case seems tantalisingly near to a close. But as a cold and...
At first everyone presumes that the woman behind the windbreak is asleep. It is only when the tide comes in, lapping at her feet, that the horrific cr...
Just as the bidding gets exciting in a Bath auction house, three armed men stage a hold-up and attempt to steal Lot 129, a medieval carving of the Wife of Bath. The highest bidder, appalled to have the prize snatched away, tries to stop them and is shot dead. Peter Diamond, head of the murder squad, soon finds himself sharing an office with the stone wife - until he is ejected. To his extreme annoyance the lump of stone appears to exert a malign influence over him and his investigation. Refusing to be beaten, he rallies his team and begins finding suspects and motives. The case demands that...
Just as the bidding gets exciting in a Bath auction house, three armed men stage a hold-up and attempt to steal Lot 129, a medieval carving of the Wif...
Multi-award-winning author Peter Lovesey returns with a twisting tale that will delight fans of the series and draw in anyone who loves pitch-perfect traditional British crime fiction.
Multi-award-winning author Peter Lovesey returns with a twisting tale that will delight fans of the series and draw in anyone who loves pitch-perfect ...
Pěstní zápasy – brutální forma boxu bez rukavic – jsou v pozdní viktoriánské Anglii zákonem dávno zakázány. Seržant Cribb ale objeví důkazy o tom, že dále tajně pokračují. U mrtvoly, kterou vyplavila Temže a má uříznutou hlavu, si všimne také kloubů na rukou, které byly „marinovány“ a speciálně připravovány právě pro pěstní zápasení. Pošle proto mladého a fyzicky zdatného konstábla Henryho Jaga, aby se infiltroval do tajné zápasnické komunity. Jenže následují další vraždy a Henry je ve vážném ohrožení života...
Pěstní zápasy – brutální forma boxu bez rukavic – jsou v pozdní viktoriánské Anglii zákonem dávno zakázány. Seržant Cribb ale objeví...