Julian Barnes revisits Stuart, Gillian and Oliver, using the same intimate technique of allowing the characters to speak directly to the reader, to whisper their secrets and to argue for their version of the truth.
Julian Barnes revisits Stuart, Gillian and Oliver, using the same intimate technique of allowing the characters to speak directly to the reader, to wh...
A retired English doctor, in solitary widowhood, makes a pilgrimage through the life and art of Gustave Flaubert, whose work he has always venerated. As he meditates on his passion, he reveals as much about himself as he uncovers about Flaubert.
A retired English doctor, in solitary widowhood, makes a pilgrimage through the life and art of Gustave Flaubert, whose work he has always venerated. ...
In this collection of stories it is permissible - indeed obligatory - to talk about death at the 'lemon table', and each of Julian Barnes' characters is facing death, but each in a very different way.
In this collection of stories it is permissible - indeed obligatory - to talk about death at the 'lemon table', and each of Julian Barnes' characters ...
Julian Barnes examines British, French and American writers who have meant the most to him, as well as the cross-currents and overlappings of their different cultures. From the deceptiveness of Penelope Fitzgerald to the directness of Hemingway, from Kipling's view of France to the French view of Kipling, Julian Barnes considers what fiction is, and what it can do.
Julian Barnes examines British, French and American writers who have meant the most to him, as well as the cross-currents and overlappings of their di...
You put together two things that have not been put together before. And the world is changed. In Levels of Life Julian Barnes gives us Nadar, the pioneer balloonist and aerial photographer; he gives us Colonel Fred Burnaby, reluctant adorer of the extravagant Sarah Bernhardt; then, finally, he gives us the story of his own grief, unflinchingly observed. This is a book of intense honesty and insight; it is at once a celebration of love and a profound examination of sorrow.
You put together two things that have not been put together before. And the world is changed. In Levels of Life Julian Barnes gives us Nadar, the pion...
Kniha sleduje vývoj sovětských letadel dálkového letectva od 2. světové války až do rozpadu Sovětského svazu v roce 1991, včetně počátečních kroků při vzniku střel vzduch-země, prvních nadzvukových dálkových bombardérů až po výkonné Tu-160, které jsou schopné nést až 12 střel s plochou dráhou letu. Text doplňuje více než 500 fotografií, které dříve nebyly mimo Rusko publikovány, dále 61 barevných kreseb a perokreseb letadel a jejich výzbroje, díky čemuž je tato kniha nepostradatelným zdrojem informací pro všechny letecké nadšence daného...
Kniha sleduje vývoj sovětských letadel dálkového letectva od 2. světové války až do rozpadu Sovětského svazu v roce 1991, včetně počáte...