Kasker Rampart: a derelict refinery platform moored in the Arctic Ocean. A skeleton crew of 15 fight boredom and despair as they wait for a relief ship to take them home. But the world beyond their frozen wasteland has gone to hell. Cities lie ravaged by a global pandemic. One by one TV channels die, replaced by silent wavebands.
Kasker Rampart: a derelict refinery platform moored in the Arctic Ocean. A skeleton crew of 15 fight boredom and despair as they wait for a relief shi...
The world is overrun by an unimaginable horror. The few surviving humans are scattered in tiny outposts across the world, hoping for reprieve - or death. Waiting on the runway of the abandoned Las Vegas airport sits the B-52 bomber Liberty Bell, revving up for its last, desperate mission. On board - six crew members and one 10-kiloton nuclear payload. The target is a secret compound in the middle of the world's most inhospitable desert. All the crew have to do is drop the bomb and head to safety. But when the Liberty Bell crashes, the surviving crew are stranded in the most remote corner of...
The world is overrun by an unimaginable horror. The few surviving humans are scattered in tiny outposts across the world, hoping for reprieve - or dea...