Kniha známého britského spisovatele, scenáristy a mediálního pracovníka nemá ambici pokoušet se o hlubinný analytický rozbor filmu a jeho motivů. Je to spíše osobně pojatý pohled na tuto Bergmanovu klasiku. Snaží se z vlastní perspektivy přiblížit, jak film působil na diváky v době svého uvedení, co přinášel nového a jaký byl jeho vztah k dobovým proudům. Ze svého pohledu dlouholetého programového tvůrce BBC a LWT zkoumá provázanost Bergmanovy práce pro divadlo, film a rozhlas, což u filmu, jemuž byla předlohou divadelní hra (byl tedy inscenován...
Kniha známého britského spisovatele, scenáristy a mediálního pracovníka nemá ambici pokoušet se o hlubinný analytický rozbor filmu a jeho m...
An enthralling tale set in the 7th century - the story of Bega, a young Irish princess who flees to Britain following the murder of the man she is supposed to marry, and her tutor Padric, a British prince with whom she falls in love. Bega devotes herself to spreading the Christian faith, but struggles all her life against her love for Padric. He tries to forget her in the fight to free his Cumbrian kingdom from the Northumbrian Teutonic invaders, which, after the momentous Synod of Whitby, becomes bound up in a bloody conflict between the Celtic and Roman churches. This dramatic, passionate...
An enthralling tale set in the 7th century - the story of Bega, a young Irish princess who flees to Britain following the murder of the man she is sup...
When Sam Richardson returns from WW2 to Wigton in Cumbria, he finds little has changed, as far as his own limited prospects go. In his absence, though, his young family has changed immensely, and Sam struggles to adjust to life in peacetime.
When Sam Richardson returns from WW2 to Wigton in Cumbria, he finds little has changed, as far as his own limited prospects go. In his absence, though...
Few books have made a greater impact, political as much as literary, than Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, perhaps the most famous of anti-war novels. Startling in its realism, moving in its humanity and banned and burned in Germany by the Nazis, it was an international publishing sensation. But who was Erich Maria Remarque? While the title of his masterpiece has entered the language as a catch-phrase, its author is virtually forgotten. In this biography, Hilton Tims attempts to reveal a man whose life was one of the most romantic and anguished of the 20th century.
Few books have made a greater impact, political as much as literary, than Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, perhaps the most famo...
A passionate but ultimately tragic love affair starts when two students - one French, one English - meet at university at the beginning of the 60s. From its tentative, unpromising early stages, the relationship develops into a life-changing one, whose profound impact continues to reverberate 40 years later.
A passionate but ultimately tragic love affair starts when two students - one French, one English - meet at university at the beginning of the 60s. Fr...
Reaching from late 19th-century Cumbria to the present, this elegiac novel celebrates two spirited women: Grace, a farm labourer's daughter who fatefully followed her heart, and Mary, the child she was forced to give up. Unsung heroines according to Mary's son who, as his elderly mother's mind begins to fail, lovingly recreates their lives and the vanished country of their pasts, linking three generations in a chain of enduring love, loss and courage.
Reaching from late 19th-century Cumbria to the present, this elegiac novel celebrates two spirited women: Grace, a farm labourer's daughter who fatefu...