Co byste dělali, kdybyste zjistili, že se vaše na první pohled nudná a nenápadná dějepisářka v soukromí chová... přinejmenším divně? Džimbo je obyčejný školák, který má už tak svých starostí dost: jeho táta nemá práci a k tomu příšerně vaří, maminka má naopak práce až moc a starší sestra je naprosto nemožná. Když ale spolu se svým všetečným kamarádem Charliem začne zkoumat, co mají záhadné školní události znamenat, jdou všechny všední problémy stranou. Události ovšem naberou nečekaný směr a klučičí pátrání se brzy zvrhne v...
Co byste dělali, kdybyste zjistili, že se vaše na první pohled nudná a nenápadná dějepisářka v soukromí chová... přinejmenším divně? D...
Christopher is 15 and lives in Swindon with his father. He has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. He is obsessed with maths, science and Sherlock Holmes but finds it hard to understand other people. When he discovers a dead dog on a neighbour's lawn he decides to solve the mystery and write a detective thriller about it.
Christopher is 15 and lives in Swindon with his father. He has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. He is obsessed with maths, science and Sherlock ...
At fifty-seven, George is settling down to a comfortable retirement, building a shed in his garden, reading historical novels, listening to a bit of light jazz. Then Katie, his tempestuous daughter, announces that she is getting remarried, to Ray. Her family is not pleased - as her brother Jamie observes, Ray has 'strangler's hands'. Katie can't decide if she loves Ray, or loves the way he cares for her son Jacob, and her mother Jean is a bit put out by the way the wedding planning gets in the way of her affair with one of her husband's former colleagues. And the tidy and pleasant life Jamie...
At fifty-seven, George is settling down to a comfortable retirement, building a shed in his garden, reading historical novels, listening to a bit of l...
Angela and her brother Richard have spent twenty years avoiding each other. Now, after the death of their mother, they bring their families together for a holiday in a rented house on the Welsh border. Four adults and four children. Seven days of shared meals, log fires, card games and wet walks.
Angela and her brother Richard have spent twenty years avoiding each other. Now, after the death of their mother, they bring their families together f...
A murder mystery like no other, this novel features Christopher Boone, a 15-year-old who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. When he finds a neighbour's dog murdered, he sets out on a journey which will turn his whole world upside down.
A murder mystery like no other, this novel features Christopher Boone, a 15-year-old who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. When he finds a neighbour's...
Polar Bears is a captivating tale by award-winning writer Mark Haddon. Balancing humour and pathos, it tells of one man's struggle to love, support and live with someone suffering from a psychological condition. With an elliptical structure and teasing timeline, the play handles the subject sensitively, with vivid, sympathetically-drawn characters and nicely-balanced dialectics. Polar Bears is thought-provoking and intelligent, with echoes of Nietszcheanphilosophy, and it refuses to offer any easy answers for those embroiled in mental instability. The plot is as follows:...
Polar Bears is a captivating tale by award-winning writer Mark Haddon. Balancing humour and pathos, it tells of one man's struggle to love, sup...
This schools' edition of Mark Haddon's multi-award-winning novel adapted for the stage of the National Theatre by Simon Stephens is perfect for Key Stages 3 and 4. Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside Mrs Shears's dead dog. It has been speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight, and Christopher is under suspicion. He records each fact in the book he is writing to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington. He has an extraordinary brain and is exceptional at maths, but he is ill-equipped to interpret everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the...
This schools' edition of Mark Haddon's multi-award-winning novel adapted for the stage of the National Theatre by Simon Stephens is perfect for Key...
Fifteen-year-old Christopher has a photographic memory. He understands maths. He understands science. What he can't understand are other human beings. When he finds his neighbour's dog, Wellington, lying dead on the lawn, he decides to track down the killer and write a murder mystery about it.
Fifteen-year-old Christopher has a photographic memory. He understands maths. He understands science. What he can't understand are other human beings....
A murder mystery like no other, this novel features Christopher Boone, a 15 year-old who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. When he finds a neighbour's dog murdered, he sets out on a terrifying journey destined to turn his whole world upside down.
A murder mystery like no other, this novel features Christopher Boone, a 15 year-old who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. When he finds a neighbour's...
Mark Haddon je uznávaným britským spisovatelem střední generace, který od tvorby pro děti přešel k psaní pro dospělé. Autor seriózních románů Podivný případ se psem (Whitbreadova cena 2004) či Problémové parie nebo ufounské taškařice Spudveč! se i v Červené domě věnuje především problematice soužití v současné rodině, ať už úplné nebo nějak narušené či zcela rozbité. Vychází zde z autentických zážitků své vlastní rodinné dovolené ve Franci.
Mark Haddon je uznávaným britským spisovatelem střední generace, který od tvorby pro děti přešel k psaní pro dospělé. Autor seriózních r...