16-year-old Amanda McCready has disappeared. Her anxious aunt contacts Patrick Kenzie to investigate. It is not the first time she has gone missing, as Patrick well knows - he was the investigator who worked on her case when she was kidnapped before, as a 4-year-old. But this is not a simple case of a runaway girl.
16-year-old Amanda McCready has disappeared. Her anxious aunt contacts Patrick Kenzie to investigate. It is not the first time she has gone missing, a...
Joe Coughlin is nineteen when he meets Emma Gould. A smalltime thief in 1920s Boston, he is told to cuff her while his accomplices raid the casino she works for. But Joe falls in love with Emma - and his life changes for ever. That meeting is the beginning of Joe's journey to becoming one of the nation's most feared and respected gangsters. It is a journey beset by violence, double-crossing, drama and pain. And it is a journey into the soul of prohibition-era America...A powerful, deeply moving novel, Live By Night is a tour-de-force by Dennis Lehane, writer on The Wire and author of modern...
Joe Coughlin is nineteen when he meets Emma Gould. A smalltime thief in 1920s Boston, he is told to cuff her while his accomplices raid the casino she...
From the award-winning author of 'A Drink before the War' and 'Prayers for Rain' comes a story set in Boston at the end of the Great War. The two protagonists are Danny Coughlin, a police officer and the son of one of the city's most beloved police captains, and Luther Laurence, a man on the run.
From the award-winning author of 'A Drink before the War' and 'Prayers for Rain' comes a story set in Boston at the end of the Great War. The two prot...
Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro are tough private investigators who know the blue-collar neighbourhoods and ghettos of Boston's Dorchester section as only natives can. Working out of an old church belfry, Kenzie and Gennaro take on a seemingly simple assignment for a prominent politician: to uncover the whereabouts of Jenna Angeline.
Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro are tough private investigators who know the blue-collar neighbourhoods and ghettos of Boston's Dorchester section a...
When they were children, Sean Devine, Jimmy Marcus and Dave Boyle were friends. But then a strange car pulled up their street. One boy got in the car, two did not, and something terrible happened - something that ended their friendship and changed all three boys forever.
When they were children, Sean Devine, Jimmy Marcus and Dave Boyle were friends. But then a strange car pulled up their street. One boy got in the car,...
Dying billionaire, Trevor Stone hires private detectives, Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro to find his missing daughter. Grief-stricken over the death of her mother and the impending death of her father, Desiree Stone has been missing for three weeks. So has the first investigator, Trevor Stone hired to find her: Jay Becker, Patrick's mentor.
Dying billionaire, Trevor Stone hires private detectives, Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro to find his missing daughter. Grief-stricken over the deat...
Krásná mladá žena zničená žalem zmizela beze stopy. Stejně tak detektiv najatý, aby ji našel. A rovněž spousta peněz. Na scénu ale vstupují ostřílení soukromí detektivové Patrick Kenzie a Angela Gennarová. Pocházejí z drsných ulic bostonské čtvrti Dorchester a mají více přátel na odvrácené straně zákona než na té správné – v čele s psychopatem se zálibou ve výbušninách Bubbou Rogowskim. Viděli a přežili takřka všechno, ale nový případ je přivádí na neprobádané území, kde není nic svaté. Na území lží a korupce, kde věřit...
Krásná mladá žena zničená žalem zmizela beze stopy. Stejně tak detektiv najatý, aby ji našel. A rovněž spousta peněz. Na scénu ale vstup...
Thriller s nádechem sci-fi, plný záhad a tajemné atmosféry, který se odehrává v 50. letech minulého století v Londýně a na fiktivním ostrově Cairncross, opředeném středověkou kletbou – kdo ho jednou navštíví, živý odtud neodejde. Na prázdninový dětský tábor sem přijíždí nic netušící hlavní hrdinka Jennet Naughtonová se svými dvěma dětmi Robbym a Judy, a také její sestra Kitty Colvertová s dcerou Corou. Ostrov je zamořen záhadným virem, údajně sem zaneseným meteoritem z vesmíru. Virus na ostrově postupně vymýtí veškerou faunu kromě...
Thriller s nádechem sci-fi, plný záhad a tajemné atmosféry, který se odehrává v 50. letech minulého století v Londýně a na fiktivním ostr...