Také máte pocit, že jste se stali otroky svých dětí? Z přehnaně zaníceného rodičovství však vede cesta ven. Existuje jednoduché řešení, které váš život učiní snazším a finančně méně náročným, život vašich dětí učiní radostnějším a navíc vám pomůže vychovat děti šťastné a soběstačné. Toto řešení autor knihy nazývá „líné rodičovství“ a jeho mantra zní jednoduše: „Nechte je být.“ Líný rodič je totiž dobrý rodič. Taková filozofie pravděpodobně může jít modernímu, zaneprázdněnému rodiči proti srsti,...
Také máte pocit, že jste se stali otroky svých dětí? Z přehnaně zaníceného rodičovství však vede cesta ven. Existuje jednoduché řešen...
How to be Idle is Tom Hodgkinson's entertaining guide to reclaiming your right to be idle. As Oscar Wilde said, doing nothing is hard work. The Protestant work ethic has most of us in its thrall, and the idlers of this world have the odds stacked against them. But here, at last, is a book that can help. From Tom Hodgkinson, editor of the Idler, comes How to be Idle, an antidote to the work-obsessed culture which puts so many obstacles between ourselves and our dreams. Hodgkinson presents us with a laid-back argument for a new contract between routine and chaos, an argument for experiencing...
How to be Idle is Tom Hodgkinson's entertaining guide to reclaiming your right to be idle. As Oscar Wilde said, doing nothing is hard work. The Protes...
How to be Free is Tom Hodgkinson's manifesto for a liberated life. Modern life is absurd. How can we be free? If you've ever wondered why you bother to go to work, or why so much consumer culture is crap, then this book is for you. Looking to history, literature and philosophy for inspiration, Tom Hodgkinson provides a joyful blueprint for a simpler and freer way of life. Filled with practical tips as well as inspiring reflections, here you can learn how to throw off the shackles of anxiety, bureaucracy, debt, governments, housework, supermarkets, waste and much else besides. Are you ready to...
How to be Free is Tom Hodgkinson's manifesto for a liberated life. Modern life is absurd. How can we be free? If you've ever wondered why you bother t...
The Idle Parent is Tom Hodgkinson's radical parenting remedy against stifled, mollycoddled children. Modern life is wrecking childhood. Why can't we just leave our kids alone? If you've ever wondered why so many of today's children are unhappy, spoilt, stressed and selfish, then the answers and the remedy are to be found in The Idle Parent. Tom Hodgkinson wants us to leave our kids be, to give them the space and time to grow into self-reliant, confident, inquisitive, happy and free people. Full of practical tips of what to do and (more importantly) what not to do, Tom will not only help your...
The Idle Parent is Tom Hodgkinson's radical parenting remedy against stifled, mollycoddled children. Modern life is wrecking childhood. Why can't we j...