Presents the bizarre adventures of faithless Texas preacher Jesse Custer, Jesse, along with his girlfriend Tulip, and their friend Cassidy, the Irish vampire, who head west to a party of Babylonian proportions. In this title, Jesse heads for France to rescue Cassidy from the clutches of religious fanatics.
Presents the bizarre adventures of faithless Texas preacher Jesse Custer, Jesse, along with his girlfriend Tulip, and their friend Cassidy, the Irish ...
In The Boys, Vol. 3: Good for the Soul, everyone has something to get off their chest: Frenchie and the Female are up to something nasty with the Mafia, Mother's Milk goes to see his mom, Annie January wants a word with God himself, and Butcher enjoys yet another ghastly tryst with CIA Director Rayner. The Legend, meanwhile, offers to tell Hughie everything he wants to know about The Boys - all Hughie has to do is take a walk with the dead. And in "I Tell You No Lie, G.I.," the beans are spilled: sixty years of Vought American's superhero agenda for America, with every dirty trick, shady deal...
In The Boys, Vol. 3: Good for the Soul, everyone has something to get off their chest: Frenchie and the Female are up to something nasty with the Mafi...
Sbírka nezklame příznivce klasické poezie, najdeme i v ní melodický verš a smysl pro krásu a hloubku života.
Autorka ve svých posledních verších rozhodně nezapře intenzivní celoživotní potřebu vlastního poznání a pohledu na lidi a svět kolem nás, hledání smysluplného řádu a ryzích hodnot života. Její až pohanský respekt k přírodě i schopnost detailně vykreslit všechny barvy a vůně života se tentokrát setkaly na téma láska, kterou troufale označila jako pátý lidský živel, co naše životy poznamenává se stejnou intenzitou, krásou i...
Sbírka nezklame příznivce klasické poezie, najdeme i v ní melodický verš a smysl pro krásu a hloubku života.