Myška si vyjde do lesa, ale na procházce nemá chvíli klidu. Pořád se ji někdo snaží sežrat! Had, liška, sova... Ještě že má myška pod čepicí a na pomoc si přimyslí Gruffala – strašlivou příšeru, která by všechnu tu nenechavou zvěř zblajzla na posezení. A tak myšku všichni raději nechají být. Jenže co když je Gruffalo skutečný? Je myška dost statečná na to, aby převezla i jeho? Nenapodobitelné ilustrace Axela Schefflera se geniálně propojují s originálním, vtipným textem Julie Donaldson a společně tvoří dnes již takřka klasický...
Myška si vyjde do lesa, ale na procházce nemá chvíli klidu. Pořád se ji někdo snaží sežrat! Had, liška, sova... Ještě že má myška pod ...
Víte, čemu se učí malí dráčci v dračí škole moudré slečny Drakounové? Učí se tam létat, řvát, chrlit oheň, ale taky chytat princezny nebo bojovat s rytířem. Dráček Zog je tím nejsnaživějším ze všech žáků, ale také tím, komu se nevyhne žádná pohroma. S každou zkouškou (a každým úrazem, modřinou nebo ochořením) se zdá, že je jeho sen o získání zlaté hvězdy pro toho nejlepšího vzdálenější a vzdálenější. Když se ovšem do věci vloží princezna Ella, jde všechno snáz a Zog s její pomocí nakonec dosáhne vytouženého cíle....
Víte, čemu se učí malí dráčci v dračí škole moudré slečny Drakounové? Učí se tam létat, řvát, chrlit oheň, ale taky chytat princezn...
Axel Scheffler Melanie von Bismarck David Henry Wilson
Molly loves to listen to her dad's bedtime stories. Once upon a time, he says, everyone was green, squirrels sang in choirs, tiny people lived in Aunt Elsie's pot plant and of course, rabbits could fly . . . but can all this really be true? Molly thinks her dad's just being silly as usual, but no-one's bedtime stories are as good as his. So cuddle up on the sofa and pick one of these fourteen fantastically funny stories to read together before bed. Which one will be your favourite? Melanie von Bismarck's brilliant collection of short stories is cleverly translated from the German by David...
Molly loves to listen to her dad's bedtime stories. Once upon a time, he says, everyone was green, squirrels sang in choirs, tiny people lived in Aunt...
What do you get if you cross a narwhal with a reindeer? It's a nardeer, of course! And how about a penguin with a beluga? Why, that's a penuga! With over 121 possible creations, silly names and strange noises to make you giggle, this new Flip Flap book is perfect for preschoolers and ideal for animal fans. With a hilarious rhyming text and brilliant illustrations from Axel Scheffler, simply flip the pages to create some seriously silly mixed-up creatures from frozen lands.
What do you get if you cross a narwhal with a reindeer? It's a nardeer, of course! And how about a penguin with a beluga? Why, that's a penuga! With o...
Plan a wonderful, witchy party with The Room on the Broom Party Book, perfect for themed birthday and Halloween parties! Based on the bestselling picture book, Room on the Broom, by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, The Room on the Broom Party Book is filled with lots of magical games and activities such as a witch's treasure hunt, broomstick games, magic bog slime and more! Also included are invitations and spooky decorations, recipes for tasty party food, and instructions for making your very own witch's cauldron pinata - plus the Room on the Broom Song, jokes and over 200 stickers.
Plan a wonderful, witchy party with The Room on the Broom Party Book, perfect for themed birthday and Halloween parties! Based on the bestselling p...
Join the Gruffalo's Child on a snowy adventure through the deep dark wood with this fun sticker book, packed full of activities, games and over 400 stickers! The Gruffalo said that no gruffalo should Ever set foot in the deep dark wood. But one wild and windy night the Gruffalo's child disobeys her father's warnings and ventures out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn't really exist . . . does he? Based on the bestselling classic picture book, The Gruffalo's Child, from the unparalleled picture-book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, The Gruffalo's...
Join the Gruffalo's Child on a snowy adventure through the deep dark wood with this fun sticker book, packed full of activities, games and over 400 st...
It's Christmas time and Pip and Posy are busy decorating the tree with candy sticks, and biscuits, and a beautiful sugar star. But the strange thing is that, every time Posy goes out of the room, when she returns, there's one less decoration on the tree. Eventually, there are NO decorations left AT ALL . . . oh, dear! All young readers will enjoy the moment when Posy finds Pip lying on the sofa, feeling sick, but will they guess how she decides to tackle Pip? A charming and funny new Pip and Posy story about the problems caused by telling fibs, with gentle lessons about being kind and...
It's Christmas time and Pip and Posy are busy decorating the tree with candy sticks, and biscuits, and a beautiful sugar star. But the strange thing i...
Beny štěká na kočky, na pošťáka, na děti. Je to veselý pejsek, který je rád na světě, a nikdy nemá daleko k tomu provést nějakou lotrovinu. Milé verše o tomto uštěkaném štěňátku doprovází obrázky známého kreslíře Axela Schefflera, ilustrátora Gruffala. Obrázky se dají oživit zasunutím prstíku do otvoru a posunutím nebo otočením správným směrem. Nechejte děti, ať si hravou formou procvičují jemnou motoriku, a prohlížejte si leporelo spolu s nimi.
Beny štěká na kočky, na pošťáka, na děti. Je to veselý pejsek, který je rád na světě, a nikdy nemá daleko k tomu provést nějakou lotro...